Bernard TENAND

To believe or not to believe in God?

Croire ou ne pas croire en Dieu ?

The origin of my thoughts

I harmonized in 8 years about 1500 to 1600 houses, dwellings, farms, offices, etc. After four years of working with clients, I felt the need to write a small book that is slowly making its way. A certain number of my clients were not satisfied with the work that I often did at their homes and for them. I suspected at that time that certain persistent problems were linked to negative thoughts of course. I sometimes had a lot of trouble asserting my point of view which, moreover, does not belong to me since Jesus, the Christ, 2000 years ago and more, had explained all this to us. The Gospels repeat all these words over and over again and despite this consistency in the examples that Christ showed us, transmitted by thousands of books in all languages, we are still where we were before his coming.

Believing and “How to Live Better”.

I do not claim in this book to replace everything that has been written for ages, only to give a refresher in my own way, perhaps more audible to some. It only contains examples that have been experienced by your servant, that is its only merit. This little book attempts to explain why it is interesting to respect others. In the trainings that I offer a “Pentacle of Universal Creation” is explained to people before starting the training itself. I have rarely heard a negative review of the “Pentacle of Universal Creation”. However, in everyday life, we are very far from applying the proposed expressions. Everyone agrees that these expressions are just an attitude to adopt for ordinary mortals like you and me. Here I am told “I respect all that!” “oh yes!”: “I forgive”; “I accept”; “I love my neighbor as myself”

Help to Believe

To help these people I now have the means. These means did not come by chance, especially since for me and as for a certain number of people, this chance does not exist! Yes I manage, by asking for help from God, from Master Philippe, to reverse difficult situations, many of my clients know that. I am told you are lucky you work for that, etc… I know that it is not true. “nothing comes without anything”: it is in my little book there is something hidden behind the “without nothing” what is hidden is our belief in God which resides in the permanent quest for the application of the expressions of the Pentacle of Universal Creation. It is a daily work in confidence. To say to oneself at the beginning of the work, what if it worked? He who does not try does not know. Then try not to lie, try to be honest, try to love those with whom we do not share ideas, at least not to spit on them anymore, to call them names, to try to understand them, to separate the actions of a person from the person because this person is none other than our Universal brotherhood.

Brothers and sisters to believe together

We are all brothers and sisters, since we all emanate from “The Universal Primordial Particle”. When we criticize a person as such, we are criticizing ourselves, period. In order not to be too long and to get to the point of this reflection, I will share my observations concerning the customers who trust me. With a device that I made myself and that I call a tuner on the one hand, my customer files on the other hand and finally a file on which I wrote: Belief in God. When a request comes to me about psychological or behavioral problems, malaise and other pseudo depressions, I realize the following. People with a true Belief in God are much less depressed and negative than those with a superficial belief. I say superficial, without wanting to hurt anyone, because for many people the belief is superficial. Having had a few conversations with some of these people, the confirmation of my findings was affirmed. I can clearly say and affirm the following: Belief in God promotes self-confidence and confidence in others and helps to remain positive in all circumstances; this confidence is based on and affirmed by the certainty of a presence with us no matter what happens. Oddly enough, Belief in God is also the Application of the “Pentacle of Universal Creation”
    • Respecting humans
    • Respect the animal
    • Respect the plant
    • Respect the mineral
Are these expressions Machiavellian, tinged with dubious esotericism, sectarianism, black indoctrination, turpitude, intolerance, vanity, idiocies? Or, on the contrary, simply a lost common sense? Of solidarity? Of respect? Of love? Think about it.

Believing without God

I hear some laughter, shrugging, criticism, I don't blame them, I don't pity them. Moreover, many of these same people constantly resort to all kinds of therapies, from the most conventional, serious, scientific, reimbursed, to the most heterogeneous or eccentric, risky, expensive, etc. These people will never find serenity, positivity, in these often tempting therapies. I very often hear people tell me that since I did a certain training course or internship, seminar, conference, or therapy, I have become Zen! Very good and the same people tell me about their lives full of all sorts of troubles, but now they know that it is a third person who has a grudge against them, who sends them spells that create misery for them, well the misery is still there but now thanks to... I know that it is so-and-so because I am zen... In fact, these people learned during their training to find other people in charge, that's all. As long as we do not understand that the only person responsible for our troubles is Us, it is Me, we will look for the providential person to project you, for a few euros, into the light. This light can only shine out of darkness, the light in the light is not seen. The darkness is us, it is me before knowing the truth which is the light because in the absolute light the shadow no longer exists. The shadow is everything that is unspeakable in the individual that we all are. Everything that is not beautiful we hide, and isn't the best hiding place the shadow?

Believing in new gods

Avatars, Masters, Great Masters, Sages, Initiates and other pompous titles. Jesus let himself be called the Nazarene at the beginning of his life, yet he had already astonished the high priests of the temples with his divine answers which they did not expect. The vast majority of women and men who became Saints were ignorant of their spiritual elevations. Today there are countless avatars, masters, great masters, wise men, initiates, great initiates and others whose titles I do not have the intellectual stature to know.

The real serene life is found in simplicity


Bonjour Merci pour votre confiance. Ne vous culpabilisez pas tout en prenant de bonnes décision. N’oubliez jamais que nous sommes sur Terre pour “NOUS AMÉLIOREZ SANS CESSE”

Bernard TENAND

Je viens de lire votre message, en ce moment vous travaillez sur moi à la demande de ma mère.
Je sais que je suis responsable de ce qui m’arrive, je sais que je n’ai pas toujours les bonnes pensées, je sais que ma croyance en dieu est vacillante… J’en ai parfois honte. Aussi bien que de ma croyance que que sa vacillance…
J’ai 44 ans, depuis que j’ai 11 ans j’ai commencé mon chemin volontaire vers la lumière. Mainte fois je me suis perdu, bercé par de faux prophètes et beaux parleurs qui ont abusés de ma naïveté et en même temps de mon narcissisme à vouloir être quelqu’un d’exceptionnel…
Aujourd’hui on me dit que je suis bon, une personne rare, mais je ne vois que moi dans le miroir avec un ensemble de mauvais choix de mauvais timing qui m’ont amené jusqu’à vous.
Je ne sais pas ce que cela va donner même si aujourd’hui, cet après midi, j’ai vu la brèche sous ma maison émettre différemment. Je ne sais pas si ma santé va s’améliorer, je ne sais rien pourtant je sais tellement de choses… Mais comme vous le dites très bien la fragilité de ma croyance en dieu, croyance qui a été tellement pollué par les on dit, les moqueries, tout le dénigrement que ma génération a subit vis à vis de la croyance. Je sens qu’il va falloir que je reconstruise une bonne image de dieu en moi la nettoyer de tous ces préjugés que j’ai adopté pour ne pas être rejeté.
Un chemin vers plus de simplicité et d’amour m’attend. Je l’ai toujours senti en moi. On m’a demandé d’écrire des livres, mais je ne pense pas que ce soit mon chemin. J’espère de tout cœur que votre travail va m’aider à me débarrasser de quelques boulets et que de mon côté mon travail vers ma foie fera le reste.
Je vous tiendrai au courant.
Merci pour votre travail quoi qu’il arrive. Comme je l’ai dit le reste du chemin m’appartient.
Des fois je me demande quand comment j’ai fait pour en arriver à fragiliser autant cette foie douce que j’avais en moi étant enfant…?


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