How to match the eight expressions of the pentacle of wonders with everyday life and with the human rights that we talk about so much these days.
1. Do not do to others what you do not want done to you.
Let's think about what could be bothering us? An honest look at ourselves is necessary. Are we generally in bad faith or in good faith? Not an easy answer depending on the education one received. At birth the distribution of qualities and defects is distributed according to our Karma. On the other hand, each time we launch an action, we must ask ourselves the following question: If this action were directed against me, would I accept it? Whenever we deprive our neighbor of any freedom, we are not in this expression. For example, human rights. We cannot oppose them to anyone when we ourselves hinder the freedom of anything towards one of our fellow citizens, in the family, in the street, in a store, at work, on the road, in the media. Of course the balance of power is omnipresent. Do we gain anything lasting from it? Let's accept total transparency, of our income, our benefits, our working hours, of days taken from Social Security that are not justified in the depths of our hearts? of work accidents reported on Monday morning? Would an employer who fires someone for any reason other than the real one accept that this be done to one of his children? Telling everyone that we are tired at 50? When millions of people like us do not benefit from any retirement or security whatsoever? Isn't all this doing to others what we do not want done to us.
All this is a bit harsh, it is to shock against the little arrangements that we make for ourselves.2. Kindness is when you give, believing that you never give enough.
How should I go about agreeing with this expression? Often in our country, collections for deserving and distant causes are more successful than thinking about the needy close to us. We give a lot to our loved ones, our family finally within a perimeter of sympathy. On the other hand, the beggar whoever he is, sometimes we stumble over him and without apologizing we continue on our way without even having seen his face. Have you thought at least once to identify with him completely? Often he is criticized without even knowing his journey. In any case for most of us, the euro that we would have left in his hand, we often waste elsewhere. There are more or less avowable expenses, that each one in quiet anonymity we would not deprive ourselves of for anything in the world. Kindness is also for those who have nothing material to give, time and consideration devoted to others, to the other. Kindness is speaking from your heart instead of your ego! Kindness begins with respect for others, whoever they may be. Kindness is not judging.
Kindness is also respecting others whoever they are and even more so if they are weak in character, mentally or muscularly. Kindness is also taking the time to listen.
3. Accept all the troubles that happen to us, we are all responsible for them. That way we will find solutions.
Today, two people divorce by tearing each other apart, fighting physically and through lawyers, criticizing and accusing the other of all the vices and all the evils? Before the marriage celebrated several years or even decades ago, did you love each other and did you have children together? So you chose yourself, loved yourself, why fight now? Have the honesty and courage to accept what you yourself have built, committed to, built, supported and accepted! It is relatively easy when an unfortunate event happens to us, to go back in time and review the film of our thoughts, actions, or non-actions, which brought us there, to the incident or accident. We realize that at the beginning of this affair, there was a decision of our own that led us to where we are today. By accepting we no longer seek a co-responsible person and what is the point anyway he will never give us the solution. This one in the acceptance without guilt will come without seeking because our mind is calm and serene.
4. Letting go.
If one day you take a seat in the basket of a balloon to visit a region from above, you will witness the ballast being dropped as the balloon begins its ascent. previously stored in the basket. This comparison may seem simplistic, however, in image it represents quite well what happens to us in life. Sometimes our stubbornness leads us to want at all costs to access something, some position for which we have not done everything to deserve it, with a glance passing through the heart chakra on the rearview mirror of time, we will see that indeed we could have done better. Our stubbornness towards obtaining the loving affection of someone leads us to extravagant manifestations, passionate thoughts that obstruct our daily life to the point of distancing us a little more than we were before. In the family succession, not all children can receive the same property, however, several covet the same object, or the same house. To persist in wanting to obtain one's personal desire is to become blind to the rights of others. What - to go to court often interminable, to devote time when one has other things to do and in the end with any result, there is a quarrel in the family. That is a losing letting go. Many other topics could be discussed but they always lead to losing something instead of gaining something.
5. Do not speak ill of others except to their face.
This attitude, I also recognize for myself, is the most difficult to correct. In every moment of daily life, many situations lead us to compare ourselves. There, the ego enters the scene: "I am here, it's me". We want to exist, often, for many of us wanting to be better than others is our unavowed goal. And, in the course of a conversation, the comparison of a technique, a product, a knowledge comes up as a subject. Obviously most of us are faced with choices to make, or to undergo this choice by a decision-maker, potential client etc. What an attitude hold on in this situation? For my part, for some time now when I find myself in this situation I limit myself to no longer mentioning names, in this way my possible bad thoughts are not directed against a person and thereby, I do not plant in my mind bad thoughts which are above all harmful waves introduced into my neurons. Pity people and don't blame them
(For those who make fun of our techniques) "For a stain on paper there is the corrector, for a stain on your soul there is only you to correct it"21.12.2012
Meeting between Don Alejandro and Doctor Carl Johan Calleman, specialist in the Mayans
02.01.2010: the text below is a faithful reproduction of this interview.
Dr. Calleman: Do you have a message to give to the world?
Don Alejandro: To all my brothers to whom this message reaches.