Bernard TENAND

In search of a human ideal

A la recherche d'un idéal humain

What is faith ?

The ideal human behavior (the human ideal ) or faith is in my opinion what the Creator expects from us in return, for a long beautiful and good Earthly life (1) .

How can we achieve this human ideal?

  1. To believe without any reservation in the Creator, convinced that he created everything perfect in our first incarnation.
  2. Respect everything he created,
    • It is respecting the mineral earth: not polluting it, not impoverishing it, not overexploiting it, not transforming it, preserving it in the state in which we would have liked to find it.
    • It means respecting plants : not transforming or treating them chemically or scientifically, not overexploiting them, not moving them without having measured the negative or positive impact over many years.
    • It is respecting the animal : loving it, not mistreating it or making it suffer, not overexploiting it, not transforming it chemically or scientifically, not debasing it.
Accompanying nature , which we do not have to transform, means respecting humans : women are the complement of men and vice versa. Do not mistreat them or make them suffer, do not transform them chemically, physically or scientifically, give them healthy food (2) that becomes their medicine. Respect for humans does not stop there since the Creator gave them the right to think.

Doing work on ourselves

This leads us to live well ourselves and together to love our neighbor. To achieve this human ideal, we must have as our sole goal to "improve ourselves constantly" to respect everything that the Creator has entrusted to us. For humans, this corresponds to working tirelessly with the sole objective: the disappearance of all our defects. These are always harmful to the other, to others, therefore to the Creator and ultimately, to ourselves. When we have addictions, tendencies towards adultery, greed, anger, cruelty, denial, duplicity, selfishness, gluttony, hypocrisy, envy, indifference, disrespect, jealousy, ingratitude, cowardice, lust, dishonesty, bad faith, meanness, slander, distrust, lying, pride, perversity, fear, resentment, cheating, vanity, revenge or violence, these defects are always directed towards a person, another, others or even ourselves. It is this (necessary) approach which fulfills our contract of “ Respect for Creation ”.

An approach that bears fruit

My definition of faith (which is my own), I think corresponds to the behavior of Jesus Christ on Earth. It brings me daily proof of the gratifying side of my help. Indeed, for some time I have observed that the people who follow these rules are those who spend their long life on Earth in the best conditions. The Creator, God, it is useless to try to anthropomorphize him. On the other hand you will be able (and I hope so), by following this approach of respect for Creation, to no longer be ashamed or afraid to call him God (without murmuring or hiding). God is always available and at the side of those who ask Him. For Him to intervene, it is necessary to Respect Everything He Created by applying this little model of faith. - - - - - - - - - - - - - (1) I have noticed for several years that the level of defects in a person corresponds rigorously to his level of Faith or Ideal Human Behavior. Our defects attract our illnesses and troubles. Fewer defects = fewer illnesses and setbacks. (2) Healthy food is 100% natural food. Organic is just a label.

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