Bernard TENAND

The superstition

The superstition

This mindset has haunted many people since the dawn of time. This mindset has allowed many people to dominate their fellow citizens. Even today, the sight of a black cat, walking under a ladder, having an interview, a 13 or drawing a number 13 etc. is said to bring bad luck. I say would wear because the misfortunes that happen to us we have created them before they happen and sometimes decades before. A stormy divorce unfortunately often happens between people who loved each other before, who married freely consenting without constraints and joyfully. So why suddenly accuse the other (that we had chosen) of all the evils etc. Superstition in my humble opinion comes from a lack of horizon, confidence, knowledge, know-how and for others also from belief, from true faith! A person truly settled in knowledge, understanding, belief, faith, is not afraid of the twists and turns, the temptations of invocations of the reveries of superstition. Superstition is a very bad advisor. The number 13 that we ignore in the numbering of seats in public transport is ridiculous because when, unfortunately, a plane crash occurs in 99/100 of cases all the passengers are victims. Superstition can poison your life without making it any better. In the past, the number 12 very often concerned the end of a cycle and the beginning (in ignorance of the future) of the following cycle began with the number 13 which was simply the beginning of change. Heraclitus ' definition of change: "one can never bathe twice in the same water of a river" (500 years BC) Current definition: Nothing is permanent except change. This famous change, for many, is a leap into the unknown. Why, because many of our fellow citizens willingly settle into a routine, well-established in protection, in the desired absolute guarantee against soon everything. The antidote is self-confidence and trust in others. It is also about training, learning, knowing.

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