Bernard TENAND

Abundance, desirable?


Is abundance supported by some, or even desirable and wanted by Creation? For others it exists but is confiscated. Is this not in contradiction with "you will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow" supported by the first named? Definitions: Large quantity greater than required Plenty is no plague ? Or abound , which means to flow, however, abundance is not abound. Contribution : contribution to financing


Is abundance for everyone desirable? If we take the definition: available quantity greater than the need. This could mean that if the provision is greater than the need this state can also cause waste? Waste means disrespect for Creation. Shouldn't we only take what we need? What would abundance be used for? Or even damage to biodiversity, which can only be a fair distribution of goods and animals on this Earth. Are not the synonyms of abundance exuberance, accumulation, abundance, profusion? From the point of view of Creation, should we aim for or wish for abundance? Can abundance be a reality everywhere at the same time? We can think that the Creator has put what is needed for everyone on earth. However, if there is a surplus for some, abundance being a large quantity greater than the needs. Can this create a lack for others? Was this what we should wish for to live in harmony with respect for Creation? Abundance exists on Earth, even overabundance in certain areas, does it benefit everyone? Or should we wish for the fulfillment of our needs, these being related to a spiritually elevated soul whose needs are adjusted to its humility and serenity?

1 comment

Merci de remettre les choses à leur place en faisant travailler notre humilité monsieur Tenand! En vouloir toujours plus? On en fait quoi après? Pas évident dans ce monde de consommation de se satisfaire de ce dont on a besoin, mais justement, c’ est un point à travailler. Bon week-end à vous


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