Bernard TENAND

The Our Father, a prayer that is so salutary.

Le Notre Père, prière ô combien salutaire.

Our father

Our Father who art in all heaven.
May your name be hallowed
on Earth, as in all the heavens.
Thy will be done on earth as it is in all the heavens.
Thank you for giving us our daily bread.
Forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Do not let us succumb to temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
Give us faith, kindness, tolerance, humility, generosity, honesty, courage.
For to you belongs the indefinable immensity,
immeasurable power, glory forever.

Our Father who is the heavens.

Give us the conviction that you are.

Give the belief that you created everything perfect.

Give us the conviction that your Creation is perfect.

Give us the conviction that you put us on earth.

Give us the conviction that we are here because of you.

To keep your Creation perfect.

To preserve your mineral kingdom in its original state

To preserve your plant kingdom in its original state

To keep your animal kingdom in its original state

To preserve your human kingdom, in its original state

We believe that by offending a kingdom,

We offend all Creation, God the Creator,

As well as all the kingdoms of his Creation and ourselves,

A creature among all others.

Thanks my God



Oh you Sun of our System

Without whom nothing can be

Apostle of God on earth

Without whom nothing can be born

Thank you for being there every Saturday

Even from a single ray

To revive in our heads

The flame still fragile here below

To believe in Creation without postulate bt



Give us the conviction that you are.

Give the belief that you created everything perfect.

Give us the conviction that your Creation is perfect.

Give us the conviction that you put us on earth.

Give us the conviction that we are here because of you.

To keep your Creation perfect.

To preserve your mineral kingdom in its original state

To preserve your plant kingdom in its original state

To keep your animal kingdom in its original state

To preserve your human kingdom, in its original state

We believe that by offending a kingdom,

We offend all Creation, God the Creator,

As well as all the kingdoms of his Creation and ourselves,

A creature among all others.

Thanks my God

Our Father Dove

The Our Father revisited by Bernard TENAND, the vibration is enormous!

To help someone, check before and after!

Hold and say the prayer in the dominant hand, the photo or identity for whom the prayer is said in the dominated hand.



Et surprenant ,je viens de l essayer sur un patient,il est à plus de 350 kms de chez moi et il m a dit qu il se sentait en paix et en sérénité et que ses douleurs c étaient nettement atténuées.

Merci Bernard



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