For some, it must seem inappropriate to dwell on what it is. However, later, in your everyday life or by doing dowsing properly, you will understand. The more we apply this
Pentacle of Wonders, the better we are in what we undertake.
Take the maxims one by one and meditate tirelessly. It is in constancy that one learns and above all that one understands.
Exercises on the Pentacle of Wonders
No. 1
Try to remember situations in which you did not apply this maxim. Also, you can remember situations where you suffered the non-application of this maxim towards you, by other people.
No. 2
"Kindness is already not hurting others." It is knowing that we never give enough, that we give without calculating. Kindness is making an effort for the comfort of others. It is also forgetting ourselves for a moment, to help, without compensation. Kindness is putting aside our ideas to act with our heart and not with our mind.
No. 3
"Accept everything that has happened to us and is happening to us". It is to admit, to understand that we are at the source of everything that happens to us, even for decades. We have intentionally or not caused what has happened to us. Search sincerely and you will find. In any case, in non-acceptance, life becomes even more difficult, to become an ordeal.
No. 4
"Let go". This maxim is very easy to achieve when we have sincerely accepted everything that has happened to us, not letting go is clinging to desires, thoughts, dreams for which we are far from having done everything to make them come true positively. Not letting go is the banal consequence of non-acceptance.
No. 5
"Do not speak ill of others except to their face". In my first book I included "the word" by Victor Hugo, it is very revealing of what precedes. When we speak ill, we think before, since thought precedes speech or action. By thinking negatively, we grant ourselves negative thoughts. These thoughts are transformed into negative electromagnetic waves. The latter create tensions which are communicated to all our organs and especially to the weakest.
No. 6
"Do not believe yourself to be stronger than others". In this case we are in vanity. Humility gives access to knowledge. We will never know everything but we give ourselves open-mindedness. On the other hand, vanity is like a shutter that hides the truth from us. This truth that bothers us because it refers us to an obvious fact: we are always perfectible. When we think we know, we no longer seek.
No. 7
"Forgiveness is the most powerful medicine on this Earth". To reach forgiveness, it is necessary to have crossed two stages: acceptance and letting go. In non-acceptance, there is like a wall that we put up in front of ourselves to give ourselves a good excuse. Humility is a rocket that allows us to cross this wall. Once the wall is crossed, forgiveness appears to us to be the natural stage allowing us to lighten ourselves physically and psychologically. We then feel, as in a balloon after having removed the ballast, the impression of rising into the atmosphere at a good speed. What a weight is taken off us! Effective forgiveness can only be real if we no longer return to the subject that was the object of this forgiveness.
No. 8
"Love your neighbor as yourself." In this sentence, the neighbor is important, since it is the one we will meet by chance, now or later. Are we capable of loving the first person we will meet as we must love ourselves? Whether or not they have the same skin color? Well dressed or not? Rich or poor? Intelligent or not? High or low on the social ladder? Beautiful or not? Whatever the presentation of our neighbor, we must treat him as ourselves, this is the lesson of Jesus Christ.
No. 9
"Tell the truth, do not lie, be honest". This is the most important expression of the Pentacle. The one by which everything is realized or nothing is established. What is the point of saying that we love, if we lie. With honesty, we build solid foundations on which it is easy to build. With lying, it is permanent chaos, equivalent to quicksand. It is the earth that is slipping away under our feet. Hesitation, doubt, instability are permanent. They settle in with their cohort of mistrust, precautions, controls, security in all areas. Dishonesty is the greatest scourge on our earth. It is the cause of many serious illnesses. Isn't that a little what we are experiencing?
At the center of the Pentacle of Wonders, "Love one another", summarizes these nine expressions, the number expresses the accomplished!
Whether you are a believer or not, there is no better attitude for living together than to respect the 9 expressions of this Pentacle of Wonders?
The growing application of the 9 expressions of this Pentacle, will transform little by little your life in all areas. This is how we will achieve serenity on this Earth:
“Continually improve yourself, until your last breath”