Bernard TENAND

The greatest evil that eats away at us

Respect for creation is under attack from all sides. If I am optimistic for my personal case, I am gloomy for humanity. Under the soft cover of secularism, relayed by the duplicity of ambient thought, cunning, corrupt, falsifying, we assassinate, we imprison, we commemorate, we hide information that is not in agreement with this creeping, complacent, libertarian secularism, like the venomous snake with a protective smile. When we preach hatred, we always reap it, later. Morality has become outdated, what am I saying, unworthy, corrupt, poisonous, contagious with infectious diseases, even shameful. Not being in the current right-thinking, risks soon leading us before justice. The antichrist, for those who do not know its meaning, is excellently represented in France. We don't want morality but we create laws, associations, to supposedly stop what is immoral? Is killing moral? Is raping moral? Is stealing moral? Is beating your partner moral? Is killing your partner moral? Is beating your children moral? Is pedophile moral? Is turning a blind eye to so many suicides moral? Sexual assaults exist and are increasing moral? Incest has doubled in 5 years moral 4 million in 2015 moral? Is letting associations fill the gaps in the protective state moral? Is lying to your voters moral? Is accepting for some what we refuse to others moral? Is accepting that our young people take drugs moral? Is subsidizing the media and journalists (tax breaks) who hide information and who through false information break up families without being worried moral? Is the ambient duplicity moral? That the French are afraid with a state that claims to be protective, is this moral? That everything that touches on security develops exponentially, is this moral? In 1960 I had a 4 hp Renault, I did not lock it, I lived in the Paris region, now it is necessary to sophisticate the locks, is this moral? That a minister lives in social housing, is this moral? That our fellow citizens try to eat in the trash, is this moral? When we want to play the secular do-gooders, must we accept that some people gorge themselves while others starve to death? Is this moral? When at the same intellectual level, the French have to make do with €500 for a month and others have to make do with €2,000. This is the example of many farmers or artisans, compared to many state pensions or peripheral state companies, is this moral? Wouldn't all-round respect reduce all these inequities, these shames of being human and French? Does the Pentacle of Wonders push for revolution? "I respect the other, the other respects me." This very simple action does not require any ENA graduate to be taught, learned and applied, just a little political will with examples to show! "Self-respect for the opinion of everything that exists on Earth" should be the first paragraph of the Declaration of Human Rights.


Bonjour Merci pour ce message.
Le propre d être convaincu que Dieu existe est que nous sommes une personne a ne plus se poser cette question.
Un humain qui ne se pose plus cette question applique les préceptes qui vont avec dans ce cas il fait tache d huile donc il change la société avec ses moyens. Donner l exemple est toujours la meilleure mission continuons bt

Bernard Tenand

Bonsoir a toutes et tous
je voudrais apporter un autre regard sur ce que j’ai dit plus haut. Quand j’ai reagis a ton texte Bernard j’etais je pense dans la négativité suite a des petits soucis de vehicules et autres… donc bien dans la matiere et bien dans le mentale……
je ne renis en rien a ce que j’ai ecrit car a ce niveau je persite et signe sur tout ce que j’ai ecrit plus haut.
Mais en me reprenant un peu, en ayant des pensées positives, en continuant a progresser dans la decouverte de la spiritualité et suite au debut de lecture un petit bouquin qu’un ami “Olivier” m’a indiqué qui s’appelle : “L’ALCHIMIE DU BONHEUR : ET SI LES LICORNES EXISTAIENT” ou il y a pas mal d’erreur mais quand on a lu Maitre Philippe et Adbrushin on les repaire de suite et cela n’a donc plus d’incidence, je dis que la vie et belle et bien faite , il suffit juste d’essayer d’etre dans les lois de la creation d’appliquer le pentacle des merveilles et cela passe par la comprehension du lacher prise , du pardon , de la loi de reciprocité, facile a dire mais pas a faire!!!!! c’est sur ca ! et bien si on s’en donne la peine ,qu’on s’implique a comprendre peu importe les supports , on y arrive meme si c’est pas encore completement mais deja les choses changent , s’arrangent comme par enchantement donc et pour finir je pense qu’on voit ce qui nous entoure en fonction de notre etat d’Esprit , la societe va mal depuis 2000 ans mdr et pourtant elle est toujours la donc on y changera rien par contre en ayant un etat d’esprit positif ce qui nous entour le deviendra aussi .
voila je ne voulais pas rester sur un texte negatif , voila qui est corriger :o)
je vous souhaite une bonne route a toutes et tous sur le chemin de la Spiritualité
et merci a Dieu !


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