Bernard TENAND

Balance in the reigns

The cosmotelluric balance on plants, animals and humans.

The plant

It is entirely possible and advisable to analyze the cosmotelluric balance for a plant such as a tree, a shrub or a flower, or even a clump, because in order to develop well, they need the same good vibrations as us. In previous lives, humans have passed through this stage without descending from plants, but the opposite.

The animal

The same goes for the animal by analyzing its cosmotelluric balance because the animal is a derivation of man and not the opposite.

The human

Concerning humans, their electroosmotic balance equal to 1 is essential for a harmonious life both at work and at rest. The notion of balance is found in all our subtle bodies and everywhere in the Universe: here is another law of analogy!

Properly performed harmonizing cleansing is the most important act that an adult human can do for their health and that of their family.

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