Bernard TENAND

The entities

The entities

Many readings, speeches, testimonies on entities. It is unfortunate that most of those who speak about them, are covered in them and probably more or less sick. In the trainings that I organize the trainees, after having been informed on this subject, detect them, on all kinds of people including the authors of books on entities, under sealed envelopes without any name or clues, the entities and their levels on the said people. We find many of them and the lowest ones. Yet it is an important and serious subject not to be trivialized, a term taken up in one of these books. Entities, in spite of themselves, can cause great misfortunes for certain people. These clinging to a chakra try to survive by barely surviving, by taking your energy which is already low, very low. You weaken yourself further, which causes other entities to arrive, a person can have 22 to 23 (maximum that I have (found)) hanging on him, on his various anterior and posterior chakras. Hebrew pendulum

At this point you may very well feel unwell, which after hospitalization in the emergency room will correspond to a proven and serious diagnosis that appears to be well-founded. You may very well undergo surgery or treatment that will not change the fundamental problem. After a few days the same problem or a different one will reappear.

The__Chakras_position[1] Above is the approximate position of our seven main chakras The root chakra anchoring itself in the ground for those who are sufficiently grounded or have their feet on the ground The crown chakra reaching out to the cosmos Balance is being Cosmotelluric as much in the stars as in the Earth The__Chakras_position_with_entity[1] Schematic representation of the attachment of entities to humans. These vibrate at very low intensities. To survive on our Earth they seek the very low vibrations from which they feed to survive. These disembodied souls find their sustenance on certain people. Lack of spirituality, negativity, heavy illness, are some of the causes of receptivity to entities Room_Entit_s[1] Perhaps for the first time? Here is a schematic representation of the position of certain entities in a place. The lowest entities are very often located on the beds and in the upper part

Entities and other manifestations attached to the human and animal body are the number one scourge after a properly executed cleaning in a place.

My evolution on black magic

For a long time I believed in so-called satanic attacks (by my clients), in bewitchments, in paranormal persecutions and in everything related to what we receive bad from the other, from others. I have received many phone calls, requests regarding the above. Most people complaining about these various manifestations really feel a very strong and disabling malaise. That is where my agreement with these observations ends. I support my statements with clear and precise facts. Every time I intervene on a person complaining of these curses, I find entities or densifications in their etheric bodies or their bio-field. I count these entities and bring them up to the light. Many people who claim to be able to bring these entities up have entities on themselves. How can they believe that they can bring them up on others? Since the entities are no longer attached to people's chakras, I measure their positivity. Several cases arise. This is affirmed (their positivity), so there is little chance that the entities will come and re-attach themselves to the person concerned. Hebrew pendulum

This (the person) is proven negative, the entities will find a choice ground to come and hang on and survive as best they can while waiting for a capable person to be able to make them rise. When I have cleaned a place where positive people live, the entities are very uncomfortable with the high vibration sitting in this dwelling. They do not return there by themselves.

On the other hand, people who persist in denial, bad faith, hatred, resentment, jealousy, anger, deceit, theft, drugs, too much tobacco, too much alcohol, wickedness,

You may not agree with what I write in this case explain it to me through the contact box


Bonsoir Oui les entités positives peuvent cohabiter avec des entités négatives Exemple a Stonehenge voir un de mes plans Mais c est rare car l environnement positif est l’ennemi du négatif. J’ai une personne qui vient de me dire que le keargwen est très mauvais!! alors voyez vous. Toute personne au moment du départ qui est ce que j’appelle chargée négativement reste se morfondre ici bas en se campant sur des lieux et des personnes négatives. En fait la vraie croyance en Dieu un lecteur l a compris c ’est appliquer le Pentacle des Merveilles a 100% ou encore respecter toute la Création j ai bien dit Toute Fraternellement bT

Bernard Tenand

Dans votre livre, que j’ai relu récemment , à côté de ces entités nuisibles, vous évoquez aussi des entités positives. A quoi correspondent-elles? Peuvent-elles cohabiter avec les négatives et contrebalancer les ennuis causés par celles-ci? Avez-vous découvert pourquoi elles restent sur notre terre parfois de manière fixe selon vous? Qu’est ce qui fait qu’elles ne sont pas “montées”? Ont-elles un destin “moindre” que les âmes qui ont rejoint d’autres dimensions? C’était juste une question qui m’a traversé l’esprit à plusieurs reprises et peut-être pourrez-vous ou aurez-vous le temps de satisfaire ma curiosité.
Toujours fidèle à votre site que je viens “visiter” assez régulièrement et merci pour tout de ce que vous dîtes et faîtes pour le bien de tous.
(Accessoirement pour donner quelques nouvelles personnelles à cette occasion, ma santé est bonne depuis le nettoyage géobiologique qui date déjà d’un an et demi à part quelques douleurs du côté des lombaires et des articulations (épaule, doigts des mains) ainsi qu’ un hallux valgus en pleine poussée. Sans doute le résultat de mauvaises postures et de plusieurs entorses au régime alimentaire hypotoxique idéal, car je ne doute pas que le biohome continue fidèlement son travail sur les veines d’eau sous mon lit et sur toutes les sources de pollution électriques et radioactives! ).
Bien cordialement à vous. Et encore merci pour tout.
F. Joubert


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