Bernard TENAND

The diagrams

Thought patterns or states

There are many thought patterns or states. These come to us about unforeseen or foreseeable circumstances that we do not want to admit (letting go). The constant struggle of our thoughts in these moments mobilizes a large part of our energy. This one, the fight, is internal, it is between us and us. In general, in this state we cannot stand reflections or contradictions. Moreover, when these patterns are put in place, they are swirling, incessant, they take up the largest space in our brain. Often these patterns mobilize us to the point that they prevent us from doing the essential things that are our responsibility in the moment. Then our mind occupied by these destructive patterns leads us to people in the same state as ours. (do you think? they don't understand anything, at least they understand me). Which reinforces our destructive ideas leading us to accept whatever medication comes along at this time in our life.

When these patterns become entrenched, we no longer believe in anything, everything we have learned is just nonsense, lies... In fact, have we reached the end of our learning to doubt them to the point of rejecting them? All the people who have intervened for us are imposters, scammers, charlatans, profiteers or even incapable. Which, in general with this way of going about it, happy to have found the extraordinary, miraculous adequate solution, the only one that was waiting for us, often richly presented, for some money, or even a lot, convinced that it is the solution, the results are there we proclaim them. We reassure ourselves that we have made the right decision, the only one, because our obsession schematized in our mind prevents us from seeing anything else because we think that we are the only ones who know ourselves well. Others may not understand, they will see... Usually they see yes. They see that nothing has changed for this person inhabited by pernicious patterns. Then, after a more or less long time, the person realizes that the patterns are still there, causing problems with health, family, work, society, money, etc. At this point, two paths may present themselves to this person. One continuing in the search for remedies or people, miracles generally very expensive, leading the person lower and lower. The other, the encounter with a book, with a person who, with love for his neighbor more than for his bank account, opens our eyes, unblocks our mental ears, bringing us back to the fundamental realities that humans possess when they are willing to open their minds very widely. Knowing that we have everything within us to put our lives back on track, without concessions and without guilt, simply by remembering that we are like everyone else, a small part of the universe that has its place here on Earth. That we must cultivate our minds as a market gardener must cultivate his vegetable garden a little every day and believe that the Almighty will help us only if we ask him. To do this, you have to take charge of yourself, not follow the easy paths: you have to suffer to rise. Take the example of the ant before singing like the cicada. Measure the path traveled and the path to be traveled to situate oneself in one's place and believe in the possible through one's constructive thinking by sometimes going back to one's lessons, one's learning, one's fundamentals from the beginning to reassure ourselves that we know how to do what we do! We have proven it! Relearn step by step everything we doubted in order to establish our knowledge on indestructible bases through diagrams leading us to see only the truth. Corresponding verbally or in writing with a negative person is a waste of time and part of your energy. Negative people generally do not build anything with their own money: they risk nothing and criticize everything. To have a written or oral conversation with a negative person is to devalue oneself since in the vast majority of cases nothing will come of it. It is to entertain bad thoughts by giving them credence, even if only by listening to them for too long. The negatives are always right because they don't try anything, but when the fruits ripen they know how to claim a share with brilliance! One can disagree with the above and deserve respect on one condition that one reveals oneself and writes it! bt



Juste une remarque :

“Correspondre verbalement ou par écrit avec une personne négative c’est perdre son temps et une partie de son énergie.”

Vous voulez dire après plusieurs tentatives de dialogue et/ou de conciliation n’est-ce pas ???

C’est vrai dans l’instantané et/ou avec certaines personnes….

Je me demande juste comment déclarer “aimer autrui”(Avlula), si on la “juge et condamne” d’avance incapable de comprendre vos écrits….même plus tard ???

On peut aussi se croire “chargé positivement” et croire avec bonne foi que l’autre est “chargé négativement” et alors refuser tout dialogue consensuel….alors qu’en “perdant son temps à écrire”, on peut très bien par la suite se rendre compte de son erreur …

- Alors à moins d’avoir fait une tentative de dialogue et de conciliation
- Et/ou d’être véritablement “chargé positivement”, et de penduler systématiquement pour vérifier si oui ou non, ça vaut la peine de “perdre son temps” ou non avec cette personne…..
- Ou de penser que dès l’instant où vous avez déjà tout écrit ou dit une fois, que cela suffit….

Cette déclaration écrite de cette façon m’étonne par sa radicalité.

D’autant que cette phrase peut aussi être dite par une personne de mauvaise foi afin de discréditer l’autre…technique de rhétorique pour empêcher autrui de dire une vérité qui gêne…

Sinon, je suis d’accord avec tout ce qui précède et qui suit ! LOL !



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