Elliot Infelta

Instructions for use for addictions

ADDICTIONS : reduce or remove them, instructions for use

In all addictions the best cure is always the one that costs the least.
On the other hand, it is often non-material and subtle, always internal to oneself.

Alcoholism is wreaking havoc in France and around the world. Just look towards the country where it has the most followers and you will begin to understand.

Citing these countries is useless and sends bad vibes, so no.
On the other hand, it is possible to associate some causes with these phenomena.

Let's see the causes
Lack of love, idleness, feeling of helplessness regarding one's future, disappointment with the way one's life is going, incomprehension from those close to oneself, resignation by making do with the minimum.
Distrust of all systems, institutions, businesses, others, religions, enormous lack of spirituality, lack of respect for Creation and therefore for others, whoever they may be.

To overcome alcoholism, it is necessary for the person to be surrounded by caring people capable of providing love without financial or other compensation. Helping others is a vocation and not a job accompanied by all its rights, fixed hours RTT etc.

In front of alcoholic people it is necessary to abstain from advice aimed at telling them to stop drinking alcohol. It is constant that the patient of the behavior has tried himself to stop drinking, tell him, reproach him etc.
This is to push it further.

His inner reflection inevitably leads him to persuade himself that he is not understood, that he is not loved.
Therefore, someone who behaves in this way towards an alcoholic is not listened to in the sense of understanding or help.

Addictions beyond the lack of existing, by the deficit of love received have antidotes, for the first time on trial with two of my clients. Of course, it is necessary that around this unfortunate one mobilize to reinforce sincere affection.

According to one of his family members, the tests showed a reduction in alcohol consumption in one, and a complete cessation in the other.

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