Does what is not biological threaten life?
What is not organic is toxic.
If we only eat organic products, would we be less sick?
Will Covid be as widespread in a nation with organic inhabitants?
Would annual flus claim as many victims among citizens who are healthy in body and mind?
Would the requests for gastric and digestive investigations etc. be as numerous and as difficult to obtain if the products on sale were all organic?
Can we feed and surround ourselves with organic products?
Can the various chemicals in many of the foods we eat change our brains?
Admitting that this changes by governing our thinking and our actions, can it make us slide into violence?
Are humans and animals built to ingest chemicals?
Why does the birth rate in so-called modern countries that absorb a lot of chemicals struggle to allow renewal?
Why do we need so many chemical and material interventions to procreate?
Isn't a person's health their physical, psychological and mental autonomy without any chemical treatment?
What is our health?
Cost nothing to social security or supplementary insurance?
Health, depending on your age, is getting up in the morning with the desire to do, to construct, to build, to create.
Health is about planning ahead, that is to say, considering a project a few years from now, which leads us to limit our life a few years later.
In this way our brain prepares itself to last by helping our brain to renew its cells.
How to get health
On this subject I am neither the first nor the last.
I affirm today that a host of diseases have toxicity as their primary cause .
Let's take our lives a little more into our own hands because we cannot be absolute in this area, our freedom is limited.
However, we have significant areas of freedom.
We can gently change our psychological and mental behavior. We can ask ourselves the following question. When I see or hear uncharitable acts, should I complain or intervene if I can? Will this improve my health? Should I criticize my peers to improve my health? During this time, could I have done something vital for myself or others? Does being jealous, vilifying, bring me anything for my health? Does comparing myself by criticizing allow me to move forward in my project?
Think of constructive ideas, accept your condition to better improve it, think about always trying to do better the next day than you did the day before. Measure the path to be taken without forgetting the path traveled.
On the material side, you can change many things to improve and preserve your health, and relatively easily.
Your food should be as close to organic as possible without costing you too much.
Organic, called "organic", is fashionable. It is also said that fashion goes out of fashion because a hundred years ago everything was organic, so there was no need to classify organic or not organic.
For the classification I would prefer the labeling “100% natural”
For this, as for the truth about labels, all that is needed is "a political act going in this direction."
Does organic really have a place in fashion?
Obviously not, this quality for all the products that humans encounter, absorb, wear, adorn themselves with must be permanent and diffuse. We must not forget cosmetics, paints, tapestries and in general all the objects and tools that we hold in our hands, or that accompany us.
In fact, everything that a human touches, breathes and is surrounded by in his life in the city, in the countryside, at work, at home and in his distractions can intoxicate him if the biological quality is not general.
I notice in my daily work 95% of people are intoxicated by what I mentioned in the previous lines.
This is what is commonly called: endocrine disruptors.
These disturbed glands are the pineal gland, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid and adrenal glands.
Direct disturbances are the digestive system, the urinary system, the muscular, the nervous system and the brain.
We can go so far as to say the whole human body. We see that we have a great interest in knowing what is organic and what is not.
I created and tested a Hebrew pendulum that is used only to assess what is biological the pendulum shown above a product has 1 or two centimeters.
Give it a few seconds to soak in. It turns positive this product is good for humans.
It turns negative: This product is bad for you and your family
Bernard Tenand