Bernard TENAND

What to do in the face of the scourges of our society?

A current observation that raises questions

Many television programs deal with the problems of suicide, anorexia, smoking, alcoholism, aggression, or many other abnormal reactions, these scourges of our society. I had photos of these people, taken before their death or their suicide attempts. So I was able to analyze them. I had the opportunity to analyze anorexic or depressed people who were locked up. All these people had one thing in common. They had a big lack of love, whether they were children or adults and even elderly people. I found in all of them this common symptom, this lack of affection, this lack of love. It is in conclusion the lack "to exist for someone", to be transparent among others. It is not these material goods such as food, lodging or money that replace true and sincere love. We need a love that does not judge, that is always present, even in silence, and especially when moral misery is present. A presence is the ultimate mark of love for an individual in distress.

We must listen to children and show them affection.

From time to time I have clients who report to me that their children seem disturbed, aggressive or annoyed. They are not learning properly at school. In 75% of cases it is a lack of affection that is the cause. And when parents finally understand and change their behavior, their children get better grades, are calmer and sleep better. As soon as the child starts school, it is essential to monitor his behavior carefully. His bare limbs should be inspected. It is necessary to regularly check the contents of his pockets and schoolbag and to visit his room thoroughly. If something suspicious is found, it should be photographed and put back in place without saying anything. This is when you should not hesitate to reinforce signs of affection, longer discussions with great attention paid to the child and above all avoid reproaches.

Lead by example and remain vigilant

Set an example in front of the child in all events at home. When a child is being bullied, it is important to first believe the child, then ensure the truth of the facts. It may be necessary to monitor (or have someone monitor) the schoolyard and the child's route from home to school (possibly bring a camera). Master the discussions at the table or in the living room. They must be calm and caring and above all without denigration of any kind. If you want to educate children and open them up to the world, without preconceived ideas, you should not communicate your disappointments to them without supporting them (and with great moderation).

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