Bernard TENAND

Working with confidence

Good morning,

I need to write these few lines with the aim or objective of honesty towards you who are coming in ever greater numbers, I thank you for it.

However, I must say that the effects of my work are felt all the more when people collaborate.

I display at length on my site that life can only give us back what we bring to it. A certain number of people believe they have found on my site, or in my work, the trick, the sleight of hand, the talisman, the sponge to erase the past, finally the miracle cure that will annihilate all moral, social, material, existential, physical or other debts without changing anything in their daily behavior.

This is not the case: without objective communication and support for my work, 20% of clients are or will be disappointed.

It is the same spirit of " do not do to others what you do not want done to you " which motivates me this morning and which led me to write on my quotes "satisfied or refunded", with simple and clear conditions.

I don't want to deceive anyone, I don't want to disappoint, I want to put into practice, for your benefit, everything I have learned and that I learn every day for 10 years of professionalism.

I have learned in 10 years that life can be more enjoyable by meeting three conditions. I give them in order, or for those who want to follow me, must be met and applied, so that the results or effects are the best.

* 1) Live and if possible, work in a healthy place : my practice of correctly carried out geobiological cleaning is sufficient.

* 2) Feed your body according to what it needs . Eat healthy: I propose a simple recto verso that I apply myself as well as some of my clients who are satisfied with it.

* 3) Elevate yourself spiritually daily : Unlimited application of the “PENTACLE OF WONDERS” or more simply “RESPECT ALL CREATION”.

Respecting creation means respecting everything we encounter in a day.

This third point is, for many people, by far the most important, because if I can act for good, for a moment in their mind, I cannot, without their simple and honest collaboration, make this state last. It is a shame for me and especially for them.

What I can't do :

* Repairing past mistakes and errors when the person constantly blames his troubles on the actions of others.

* Getting people to be honest, in good faith, when they don't want to be.

* Prevent people from turning a blind eye to the truth.

* Forcing negative people to become positive, without the desire to decide to change.

Know one thing : negative people will only attract negativity into their lives.

* I find one thing to do with negative people is " a change in behavior "

What I can do with God's help

The various true testimonies scattered throughout this site show part of the extent of the beneficial actions.

I ask my future clients to approve this little manifesto before entrusting me with their work.



Oui, cela permet de faire le tri, de ne pas utiliser son énergie inutilement et de collaborer avec confiance et d’une certaine façon être plus efficace et gagner du temps, même si parfois les résultats ne se font pas immédiatement. Il faut aussi laisser le temps au temps, être patient, confiant. C’est une bonne chose de faire approuver cela au préalable.


Merci Michel c’est aussi pour servir l’honnêteté.

Bernard Tenand

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