Long live 2021
For those who want this new year to be serene for their health, their emotional, social and material side, the result will be the consequence of their decisions. It is therefore necessary to make the effort necessary for its success.
Without discounting the fact that we live in society, we should not minimize our ability to decide everything that can be decided for ourselves. Indeed, our future depends greatly on our actions, non-actions, past thoughts and
Likewise, our current life is the fruit of decisions made and implemented in past years.

A past that is sometimes a bit difficult to bear
Having taken out a loan a few years ago or having chosen a career that is not very promising today can lead us to question our past decisions. We can accept the consequences of these choices or rethink and adjust them.
If our current life does not bring us joy, we should not remain in denial. A quick, honest look in the rearview mirror of time will help us understand the reasons that led us to make these decisions... and to analyze our potential current setbacks.
Only sincere reflection will help us to draw the best lessons from it.
Acceptance of these choices and of the events concerning us will be necessary for letting go without pain.
The importance of our decisions
Every day we make decisions in good faith without knowing all the consequences in advance. Indeed, each decision involves a share of risk, of uncertainty that we try to reduce, but which is never zero.
Because we do not have, at the moment we make these decisions, knowledge of the future, we can make mistakes. We must not make others take responsibility for our possible failures.
These failures may be due to our errors of estimation, to an evolution of society different from what we imagined or quite simply to decisions that we made under the influence of anger, jealousy or any other unspeakable feeling that distorted reality.
Find the cause and we will have the solution.
We need to discover the real reason for our failures. This awareness will open the catalogue of possible remedies, free of charge, with salutary side effects.
We just need to write the prescription for our self-medication: respect and will at discretion to begin.
A sincere examination of conscience with the possible necessary forgiveness towards people we met, with whom we had exchanges without much respect.
The respect
Here we have respect , this simple word, understood by all, but which we sometimes forget. Respect with its touch of humility towards one's enemy. Very widespread among humans of the 21st century: vanity is the fault with the most numerous harmful consequences.
Vanity promotes the development of many health disorders in humans. I will mention a few of them:
Arterial, blood, stomach, neurological, thyroid, stroke, arthralgia, asthma, depression, borreliosis, respiratory failure etc. problems.
By making the decision to adopt the respect companion we improve our life in all its aspects.
I am often asked for help to solve problems that have been recurring for a long time: health, work, love or lack of money.
When examining these cases I always find, unfortunately, the following faults: vanity, revenge, violence, rancor, jealousy, slander, malice and recently hatred.

The search for truth
It is now interesting to know or recognize some implacable and irremediable truths for those who want to bend down to study them.
Chance, luck, misfortune, bad luck do not exist. Are many of us able to understand and accept these words?
We are the cause of everything that happens to us, directly or indirectly. Obviously, by only looking at the consequences, we "forget" to look for the cause, which makes the analysis simpler and more pleasant, but totally false. The search for the cause, for the decision-making that led to the current situation is often a source of displeasure.
Therefore, undertaking this research work is only possible if one is prepared to accept responsibility for it.
For people who really want to achieve a better future, for things to change, it is essential and urgent to make this analysis of one's own life, without blaming anyone and without devaluing oneself.
Now, living with respect does not mean agreeing with everyone's ideas. Respect is not doing to others what you would not want done to you.
It is also having with others the attitude that you would like them to adopt with you.
Differences of opinion
Respect means accepting differences. We all have a past, a different experience that leads us to think and act differently. Respect therefore means accepting the past of our interlocutor. It also means trying to understand them and not trying to interpret their words or actions with our own reasoning.
Respecting others also helps others to respect us more easily.
By respecting the other, the initial disagreement will lead to explanations and often end with smiles.
What creates tension between two individuals is often only a mutual fear of not being understood, of not being able to express oneself and ultimately a frustration which results in reciprocal violence.
To respect others is to accept that others have different thoughts because their lives have not
not been identical to ours, perhaps more difficult than ours. The way of behaving in society is a consequence of the past, of education and of the means of communication that have been instilled in us.
To initiate dialogue, we must modestly make ourselves understood what is unknown to us (about the other).
Negative attracts negative
Respect also has a definite benefit.
When we trade, we usually think about what we are going to develop.
This is when our language will contribute to our future health.
By having a negative idea we formulate the negative in your head in the form of a carrier wave which will be directed by the law of attraction towards a negative wave created by a sick organ, which we will aggravate.
If, on the contrary, we formulate positive, conciliatory, tolerant ideas or thoughts towards a person with whom we do not have any chemistry, positive waves will be created by our brain.
These are positive waves that will go by attraction to the organ that needs them the most to be treated.
To conclude, I would like to cite the example of a person who best illustrates my point.
A wonderful example for a better future
Robert MARCHAND lives on the first floor of a council house in the eastern suburbs of Paris. A few weeks ago I heard him give a television interview. He explained that he rides a bike and takes it upstairs himself. He cooks his own meals and does his own housework.
This man, when he was 106 years old, ran 25 kilometers per hour on a track.
This is the world record for over 100 years.
Scientists have studied his case but nothing special has emerged from these various studies.
Today he is 109 years old. I have had his photo for a long time. He amazed me. Today, in order to share the results with you, I analyzed him by dowsing. These results, encouraging, give hope and reassurance about the future and a better future.
Perfect health = 100% very good
Defects = 0 I mean zero!