Elliot Infelta

2024 training schedule

Agenda des formations 2024

General informations

For each course, a minimum number of trainees is required. If this number is not reached 7 days before the start of the course, the facilitator will be entitled to cancel the course .

The cost for participation in each training course must be paid directly to Bernard TENAND before the course.

To participate, it is imperative to return to me as soon as possible the Registration form corresponding to the desired training, accompanied by the extract from the Internal Regulations accepted and signed. (These documents can be downloaded from this page).

The price of a black and white or color photocopy (of the course content) is set at €2 per page, recto/verso or recto only for dials and tables.

Accommodation addresses in PORDIC have offered to you (not included in the cost of the training).

Tenand Bernard Geobiologist and radiesthesist

2024 training schedule in Pordic 22590

1st semester 2024

Dowsing module 1 [ Azure room]

Saturday March 16, 2024 and Sunday March 17, 2024

(See the content of the Training)

Dowsing module 2 [ Azure room]

Saturday April 13, 2024 and Sunday April 14, 2024

(See the content of the Training)


Pilgrimage of Master Philippe to Lyon [ Rhone Alpes]

Thursday April 25, 2024

(Register on the site in contact)


Geobiology module 1 [ Azure room]
Saturday May 4, 2024 and Sunday May 5, 2024

(See the content of the Training)


Geobiology module 2 [ Azure room]

Saturday May 25, 2024 and Sunday May 26, 2024

(See the content of the Training)


Sacred Geobiology Megaliths [Outside]
Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June 2024

(See the content of the Training)

Three days with the Megaliths in Brittany

June 21, 22 and 23, 2024

(See the content of the three days)


2nd semester 2024

Upgrade [ Azure room]

Saturday September 14, 2024

( See the training content )


Dowsing module 1 [ Azure room]

Saturday September 28, 2024 and Sunday September 29, 2024

(See the content of the Training)


Dowsing module 2 [ Azure room]

Saturday October 12, 2024 and Sunday October 13, 2024

(See the content of the Training)


Geobiology module 1 [ Azure room]

Saturday October 26, 2024 and Sunday October 27, 2024

(See the content of the Training)


Geobiology module 2 [ Azure room]

Saturday, November 16, 2024 and Sunday, November 17, 2024

(See the content of the Training)

To register, please contact me right here.

Downloading Registration Files

The registration form, to be completed and returned at least 30 days before the course, is accompanied by acceptance of the internal regulations of the Association Promotion Radiesthésie et Géobiologie
(formerly GANYMEDE).

The benefits of Radiesthésie and Geobiology are more and more numerous:
they require respect for all of Nature or Creation.

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