Elliot Infelta

Geobiology Training (Module 1)

Formation Géobiologie (Module 1)

Presentation of the content of the Geobiology training (Module 1) provided by Bernard TENAND. New modules each semester on the site

Theme of module 1 of Geobiology Training

Etymology of the term: geo (the land, the place) and biology (the study of all living things).

We could say Radiobiology radiesthesia + biology

Geobiology is, in my opinion, the adequacy (perfect adaptation) of plants, animals and humans with their environment.

Adequacy involves correcting the environment if necessary so that plants, animals and humans develop, live and remain in homeostasis, in perfect health, without needing chemicals or food supplements other than a hypotoxic diet that can be metabolized by the physiology of the three kingdoms.

It is therefore necessary to check whether this environment does not present any deficiencies or nuisances on either side, to check that the 3 kingdoms living in this environment are not already dependent on any morbidities. We will therefore learn to detect them before possibly correcting the environment and the 3 kingdoms.

The human kingdom is the subject of this training. On the other hand, many things that will be understood are applicable to the other two kingdoms.

Detections in four families

1- Earth-borne nuisances

    • Veins of water,
    • Cracks.
    • Earth faults (very large, little-known nuisances)
    • Negative geomagnetic currents Hartmann, Palm, Peyré Curry and Wissmann
    • Negative telluric currents often 4, 6 and 8 meters wide
    • Negative cosmo telluric chimneys
    • Presence of Radon

2- Paranormal nuisances

    • Disembodied entities or souls
    • Animal entities
    • Some Objects
    • Reptilians Squatting
    • Various negative charges, very numerous and disabling

3 – Electromagnetic nuisances

Outdoors: Very high voltage, high voltage, medium voltage, low voltage lines, relay antennas, radar and broadcasting antennas, transformers, power plants, the electric meter.

Indoors: the distribution board, all electrical installations, multiple sockets, electric bells, electric garage door lift motor, electric heating by radiant ceiling lights by convector radiators, telephone battery chargers, etc. Indoor television antennas, electric beds, magnetic pulsation mattresses, all electrical care devices.

Possibly the resistance taken from Earth and its connection to all devices requiring this. Salt lamps when they are lit! Metal base lamps televisions speakers boxes, personal antennas, fixed and portable computers printers keyboards mobile phones, electric orchestras Radio alarm clocks Spot lighting on two parallel stretched wires far apart. Boilers, Hair dryers the cast iron bathtub poorly grounded.

All electrical household appliances including microwave ovens, induction hobs, electric blankets and all equipment containing electromagnet coils.

4 – Chemical nuisances

Volatile Organic Compounds: glues (formaldehydes) used to make panels of all kinds in furniture in general, tapestries, paints, vinyl and plastic coverings.

All household products from cosmetics to dishwashing products, laundry bleach, and garden products, pesticides and phytosanitary products see Destoop for water drainage

Finally, the medicines: the medicine cabinet

Outline of module 1 of the Geobiology Training

  1. Water vein detection
  2. Cracks that should not be confused with faults
  3. Then the faults from 0.2 Kilometer to several kilometers wide 2.4
  4. Negative and positive Hartmann currents and geopathogenic points etc.
    Negative and positive Palm currents and geopathogenic points etc.
    Negative and positive Peyré currents and geopathogenic points etc.
  5. Negative and positive Curry currents and geopathogenic points etc.
    Negative and positive Wissmann currents and geopathogenic points etc.
  6. Negative telluric LV currents in general: Negative ultraviolet
  7. Water vein crossings
  8. Negative and positive cosmotelluric chimneys
  9. Impact of a water vein
  10. Actual location of entities
  11. Schematic location of entities
  12. Entity Research Plan Negative Human and Animal Entities
  13. Classification of entities.
    The various very negative charges. The other negative charges.
  14. Impact of nuisances and possibly positive ones
  15. Radon, definition searched for with a pendulum or Geiger counter radex or Gamma-scout.
  16. External electromagnetic pollution
    – Electric fields
    – The magnetic field
    – Electrical transport, relay antennas, transformers, etc.
    – Domestic electromagnetic pollution
    – Electric fields magnetic fields
    – The different devices and their nuisances
    – Portable mobile phones Wi-Fi screens household appliances etc.
    – Checking the ground connection
  17. VOCs; Volatile Organic Compounds
    – Search by each person on their plan for all the nuisances mentioned above with permanent monitoring by the facilitator
    – Search for outdoor nuisances with the facilitator
    – If the schedule allows, possibility of going to look for druidic telluric currents 2 kilometers from the course location

It is on these currents that the chapels, basilicas, churches and cathedrals built before the end of the 16th century were built. century

Internship content : detection of underground and atmospheric, electromagnetic, radioactive and paranormal nuisances.

It is necessary to be in a good mood to work, possible searches for negativities on your pendulum and entities or disembodied souls on yourself.

Everyone will be asked to measure the harmful effects noted on the plan provided before harmonizing it, in fact to note the state of the premises.

Nuisances, their enumeration and summary explanation


The degree of application of one of these two pentacles will determine your future effectiveness in geobiology.

Living well in total peace

The Pentacle of Wonders


très bonne formation effectuée avec rigueur et précision par Bernard Tenand

elle nous permet de corriger toutes les nuisance de notre lieu de vie

formation effectuée sur le plan de lieu de vie ce qui est tout de suite concret

bertrand pierre

Ce module de détection des nuisances est primordial pour bien comprendre ce que nous devrons corriger pour obtenir un habitat sain qui ne nuise plus à notre bonne santé.
Très bien mené par Bernard Tenand, avec des explications claires et précises avec gentillesse et patience.
De plus nous travaillons directement sur notre lieu de vie, ce qui est encore plus motivant.


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