Elliot Infelta

Radiesthesia Training (Module 1)

Formation Radiesthésie (Module 1)

Presentation of the content of the Radiesthésie training (Module 1) provided by Bernard TENAND. New modules each semester on the site.

Outline of module 1 of the Radiesthésie training

  1. Pentacle of Wonders and the Pentacle of Earth
  2. The sources of radiesthesia and geobiology
  3. Elevation of consciousness
  4. Dowsing instruments and BT rods
  5. Orientation and mental convention
  6. Negative charges
  7. The pendulum, how to use it
  8. Learning Dowsing
  9. Acquire a good vibrational rate
  10. Measuring tools
  11. The Geodynameter
  12. The C.000 entity diagram
  13. The Bovis rule
  14. The all-purpose measuring dial
  15. The Belizal Circle Revisited
  16. The multiple search dial (Hertz)
  17. The Consciousness Elevation Measuring Dial
  18. The Fundamental Ray.
  19. The customer file
  20. Skeleton
  21. Male, female systems research table.
  22. The polarity of humans
  23. The meaning of Universal electromagnetic charge.
  24. The Ray of Union.
  25. Dowsing Tuning, The Tuner

A different radiesthesia in its approach and operation

This Radiesthésie Training is placed under the aegis of rigor and precision.

Each measurement must undergo a necessary self-check to detect any possible error.

This lack of rigor and precision always comes from the operator, often negatively charged with disembodied souls.

This lack of precision and rigor is the number one obstacle to the generalization of radiesthesia.

Indeed, this lack of reproducibility causes very significant differences in results, which undermines confidence.

These courses are essentially based on rigor and precision.

It is thus possible to obtain spectacular results. For example, a very severe psoriasis that had been treated for 12 years by several therapists without effect and which disappeared in a few weeks by dowsing.

Learning to magnetize your hands.

Discovery and learning of the BT Classic pendulum

Discovery and learning of Hebrew clocks.

And many other subjects like schizophrenia etc…


The degree of application of one of these two pentacles will determine your future effectiveness in dowsing.

Living well in total peace

The Pentacle of Wonders

The degree of application of one of these two pentacles will determine your future effectiveness in dowsing.

Registration file and procedures


Bonjour Bernard,
J’ai suivi cette formation de radiesthésie 1 er niveau, ca ma permis d’évoluer dans cette direction et de progresser rapidement. bonne documentation et des outils performants.
Merci Bernard.

alain le mouel

Bonjour merci beaucoup pour votre mot qui fait du bien

Bernard TENAND

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