Bernard TENAND

Peran Camp

The Peran Camp

in Plédran 22960 south of Saint Brieuc


Celtic camp? then Viking?, then Roman dating for its first construction from before JC and by the Gauls from the 2nd century BC. This camp, like many buildings from before our era, was designed to weaken the attacker. All the gray areas around the camp are very negative. Having been there I realized that an hour After leaving these areas I still felt very uncomfortable. Special feature of this camp: no positive or negative Hartmann current inside the camp. A menhir point with these two positive Curry currents crossing at the intersection of the water veins, was a menhir there? Maybe moved from there a long time ago. A well at the intersection of two water veins. To the South, circled in red, a very positive entity of the 5th level. Is it above an ancient tomb?

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