Bernard TENAND


Chartres Cathedral

There are many erroneous geobiological plans on Chartres, the currents and veins water below exist you have to know how to find them. Before being or ever being a geobiologist, you must be a true radiesthesist! The currents below are those that make Chartres! The most powerful point of Chartres is unknown, it is there, it must be found...

water_veins_and_curry_web[1] Here is the exact route of the water veins under Chartres Cathedral. A Curry current crossing is also present chartres_a_ll__e_couverteorigin_diminished[1] Here is the Celtic covered alley on which Chartres was built and modified over the years. It confirms that covered alleys are more energetically powerful than menhirs. chartres_a_ll__e_couverteorigine_1web[1] Here is Chartres with these two major gold and yellow currents. The East current coming from Potalat (Tibet) passing through Tyrol and Strasbourg continuing through Roches aux fées ... (the large covered alley of Essé in Ile et Vilaine) The current coming from the north passes through Lascaux then Toulouse....

Below is the position of the telluric currents in Chartres Cathedral. A Yellow and Gold Mercury and Sun current, East West (direction of the current) Double approximately 1.50ml wide which passes through the potalat (Tibet) in Tyrol, Strasbourg the cathedral and which continues on the covered amlee of the Roche aux fairies in Essée in Ile et Vilaine. It overlaps with the main vein of water crossing the cathedral. It also overlaps with a positive Hartmann 3 current. To benefit from its energy, you must place yourself on it and face the current. The Yellow and Gold north-south current of about 0.80 wide continues towards the south crossing the Lascaux cave! We can now why certain things... It has other Violet Neptune currents. A red Mars crossing a green Venus with something fabulous at the intersection (I'll let you look it up) then an ultraviolet under the North Tower

cathedral_of_chartres_tel_1web[1] The most powerful place in Chartres Cathedral can be authenticated in the sketch above: Get your clocks ready!!

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