Your zodiac constellation seen by a dowser.
The twelve constellations of the zodiac are located in turn opposite our planet throughout the year. I am not trying to do astrology or astronomy but rather astroradiesthesia.
A part of our being is more or less linked and therefore dependent on the constellation which was opposite the Earth's meridian at the place and time of our birth.
The influence of the stars is permanent, I should say that the stars are self-influential and inter-influential.
In the Universe everything is under the influence of everything and everything influences everything. One thing you should know is that a constellation of the zodiac whose different stars appear close to each other when seen from Earth are in reality further apart than we are in this constellation.
An example: The Moon
Know that without it there is no procreation on Earth. On full moon days negative people are even more negative; check it out and you will see.