The following, in the pages of the chapter "sacred geobiology", is part of the training program with visit and complete study on the following sites: - Peran camp - Menhir of Pergat (with training in activating a menhir) - Beauport Abbey - Menhir of the fountain of crosses - Energy place of the fountain of crosses - Saint Etienne Cathedral of Saint Brieuc - Many other sites will be revealed in the book on geobiology that I am finishing
Since the dawn of time, humans have made certain places sacred. These places appeared to them through the knowledge of these ancient civilizations in matters of the invisible. Their intuition was great because of their intertwining with nature. These ancient peoples in symbiosis with the Earth had to look for food every day. To protect themselves from other humans, from the large wild animals living at that time, from bad weather, from seismic shocks more numerous than today, they had to find the safest cave. Below is a probably unpublished sacred site, which I found while telling myself that the ancients had total sensitivity. So why did they settle there more than elsewhere? Plan of the cave in hand, map of France next to it, knowledge of rare currents as well, desire to look for something that is not talked about. It is perhaps one of the oldest sites of sacred geobiology - 19,000 years old!! Is it for another reason than this, to be seen below, that the famous cave paintings were developed mainly in the room of the "Bulls" Sacred animal since ATLANTIS, the Celts and pre-Celts and in many other caves that I present in my book.

In the circle the main room called "of the bulls". From top to bottom, that is, from north to south, several superimposed currents. From north to south, a vein of underground water. From east to west, another vein of underground water. This resembles the location of Templar buildings, Romanesque churches, Notre Dame Cathedral, etc. From North to South, a double OR current 144 centimeters wide! This current manifests itself with the pendulum or the rod when one seeks the frequency of gold or with a gold wedding ring at the end of a short string. And this is very curious, due South of the CHARTRES CATHEDRAL. It is the same ray that passes under the Christian Celtic Cathedral .... Remember, in an underground crypt below Chartres Cathedral, there has been a large DOLMEN in place since the dawn of time! Now see the plethora of radiations or currents at various frequencies that you will find in Homeopathy!! North-south cobalt, iridium, copper, vanadium, palladium, selenium Now isn't there enough here to cure many morbidities in the ultra-receptive humans that our ancestors were? From east to west Again copper, cobalt, double width nickel, uranium, From northeast to southwest Bismuth, curium, double-width iron, magnesium! From North-West to South-East Double width iron, lithium, magnesium, silicon! This fabulous cave is located just south of Chartres.