Addie Bocanegra

The sun



As funny as it may seem, there is water in and on the sun! And if the sun is not a burning star, For what? Our entire planetary system is in balance, in a system of repulsion - attraction related to:

1 The electromagnetic condensation of each Planet, including the Sun, this condensation is what each star has received as electromagnetism since its birth. A magnet is matter that has received a great condensation of electromagnetism;

2 Its polarity with respect to the direction of charge

3 Its mass So considering all of the above our solar system is in balance. Now, if the sun, as they say, is a fiery star with solar flares every eleven years and others in between, it would lose matter with each flare and permanently. It would therefore lose matter since its birth, billions of years, so it would lose mass, therefore the power of attraction and therefore our solar system would find itself disorganized. Yet this is not the case. So? Could it be a star hyper-condensed with electromagnetism sending us its radioactive radiation filtered by screens made of ....?? Because finally between him and us in certain areas there are temperatures of -273° ABSOLUTE COLD,

Fundamental radius: 270° Series number: 81 Distribution of elements Fire : 29.85% Air : 22.39% Water : 7.46% Land : 40.30%

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