I confirm that this tomb was visited by GOD
For dowsers, the vibrations are enormous below the arrows!
The vibrations are the same as Master Philippe!!
https://www.aura-sante.com/le-monogram-de-jesus-christ/ https://www.aura-sante.com/qui-etait-ce/ The tomb of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem provides further evidence to the many, many antis. Indeed, once again research has been undertaken to find proof of the non-existence of God. The antis of all stripes, the famous atheists who are not content to be indifferent, of many religions have been left out in the cold. Is it true that 1200 kilometers to the south has been off-limits to archaeologists for over 100 years? No matter the most powerful positive vibes encountered on earth are there! However, in order to measure them correctly, it is necessary to apply what Jesus Christ asked. To make it simple, understandable and accessible: Tell the truth, don't lie, be honest. Do not harm others. In a world where people rape, kill, and respect nothing, why not hurt others? Isn't it already doing him some good?
Dans l’époque que nous vivons voici une image Exceptionnelle, merci de nous la présenter.
Nous en avons grand besoin