Bernard TENAND

Earth faults

Earth faults are even more harmful places than any other due to the very significant emanation of Radon (in addition to all the other nuisances). On the following 6 maps, the faults are located inside the rectangular areas drawn in red dotted lines. This is once again an application that uses dowsing techniques.

The terrestrial faults of the Côtes d'Armor
The Côtes d'Armor (22)
The Land Faults of Finistère
Finistère (29)
The faults of Ille et Vilaine
Ille et Vilaine (35)
The faults of the Loire Atlantique
Loire Atlantique (44)
Mayenne (53)
Morbihan (56)


Bonjour, Oui absolument

Bernard Tenand

beaucoup d’ endroits pollués sans le savoir


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