Larousse definitions for megaliths : Historical monuments formed from one or more blocks of stone.
Their situation
The largest number of megaliths are found in western Europe. The ancients probably accepted the idea of analogy between the end of the day and the end of their life. It is the moment when the Sun slowly goes out, disappearing on the western horizon. They erected in the same places standing stones, called Menhirs or short tables called Dolmens or even longer tables called covered alleys , probable burials. In what are called "megaliths", there are also cairns : hills of stones surmounting several covered alleys or tumuli covering only one covered alley. All these megaliths were implanted in very specific places taking up and spreading generally positive vibrations of these privileged places. Indeed it is necessary to find the right place to implant these megaliths.
Their activation
I think that megaliths were built to promote, through their positive activations, compromise around them. I activate a trembling stone and a Mushroom during our trip to Brittany, in Huelgoat. The transformation between the pebble or the stone that we find in the open countryside is part of the knowledge of the druids of this time because to become a megalith the stone must be in its natural state. It must not have received the dynamite blow or the cutting usually practiced in the quarries.
An unsuspected power
All the stones assembled or not of these megaliths are placed according to a very precise polarity. Today for those who know how to approach them, these megaliths can provide well-being. Indeed, we obtain this sensation by sticking a precise face of our body against a precise place of these stones forming these megaliths. (Thanks to our ancestors).
The study of megaliths covers many points
(These points are covered during training )
- its predetermined location
- The stone its study its landmarks its polarity
- The place, the location, its orientation
- Its influence at rest controlling the veracity of the Megalith in relation to the stone planted in the form of Menhir.
- Its doors its approach
- Its activation.
The Dolmen
- The search for the location of the implantation is rarer than for the menhir because it is necessary to establish a Dolmen on a crossing of druidic currents
- The stones that can be accepted to establish the Dolmen table. The two feet necessary to establish the table.
- How to establish these 3 stones and the choice of their polarity so that they are in synergy when they are installed.
The covered alley.
It is an elongated Dolmen with a bottom to the west
The Cairn is a stone hill overlooking several covered walkways.
The magic square
Generally installed and invisible on the forecourt of a chapel, a church, an abbey, a basilica or a Cathedral having been built before the 18th century.
The techniques were then lost. There are magic squares that are well established or not
These squares can have 9 squares, 16, 25, 36 squares or even more. These magic squares should not be placed anywhere.
It is necessary to find the necessary waves so that it vibrates every day and never in the same box. Contrary to what I have heard everywhere, the direction of vibration is not random. These boxes vibrate in a continuous order.
The one I installed at my home, at 15 rue de la fontaine des croix in Pordic, vibrates in its central box for August 15th and has done so since it was built three years ago.
Building a magic square requires cords to re-operate the currents and boxes