Bernard TENAND

Results in Agriculture

Results in Agriculture

Organic egg production

Before your intervention, the hens were nervous, they often caught infectious bronchitis which lasted for about fifteen days. Now this bronchitis no longer comes or when bronchitis manifests itself it is one day and the laying starts again the next day. The difference is big we no longer have problems with our hens.

Dairy production

1) Mastitis has decreased a lot, calvings are going better. I save money on pharmacy and vets. Leukocytes have decreased a lot. in 22

2) I am much more successful in fattening my calves, they are much less sick. In 53

3) My animals are no longer decalcified, milk production has improved, they are much calmer in 22

4) Following your intervention (2011) and following your advice, we have not given any minerals to our animals since January 2013. Milk production has not decreased. The fat content has remained stable and the protein content has also remained at the same percentage. Furthermore, our animals are neither decalcified, nor deficient, nor sick. With these good results, we will continue our collaboration. Since the installation of your latest creation our animals are now very calm. Kind regards Fet SV in 53

5) Since your intervention we have reduced the mineral rations without any unfavorable changes except for a reduction in veterinary and pharmaceutical costs in 53

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