Bernard TENAND

Defects and hazards or Causes and effects?

Défauts et aléas ou Causes et effets ?

Our faults

This is a thorny subject, this description suits it because our faults are thorns planted in our body. They hurt us every day.

And if we make the right and difficult decision to part with them, those same thorns will fight back tooth and nail.

Larousse gives two different definitions of the word "defect":

  • absence, lack or insufficiency of what would be necessary.
  • Imperfection. (material or moral). It is here the "moral" side that interests us. "Lying is a nasty defect."

Our faults are tenacious, faithful, they are part of our personality. At certain moments of spite they can, like gluttony, be useful to us for a moment.


"action of accepting, receiving, agreeing to something" (Larousse)

In everyday life, we tend to forget about acceptance. We prefer to replace it with "letting go" and/or "denial".

This common expression is the subject of much concern. Indeed, our psyche does not allow us to "let go" without first accepting the object of not letting go.

Example: a couple separates due to the unilateral decision of the woman. The man may not let go of this separation until he has understood and admitted the cause of this separation. This approach requires an effort of understanding from him to see the problem differently, by putting himself in his wife's position.

This is how he will be able to accept this separation. Acceptance allows letting go, an obligatory step to subsequently accept and heal the fault(s) that have caused this separation.


Denial is the radical concealment of what is. We refuse (consciously or not) to see what is. The same is true when we occupy a dominant position that only insolent and momentary privilege allows us to refuse its evidence. Despite this position, at a given moment the object of denial will stand before us.

The duplicity (double-dealing) that is widespread in our so-called advanced societies can, before being revealed, allow us to better represent ourselves here and there in order to "appear" to be what we are not (but what we would like to be at the moment). Duplicity can allow us to give a (false) image of ourselves that is more flattering and thus more in line with our wishes.

The results

The Being will reappear one day at our expense, be sure of that ("You can't change your nature, it will come back at a gallop" - Philippe Néricault, known as Destouches)

As they often say, misfortunes never come alone, this one will be accompanied by other setbacks.

It's a bit like the bills that we pretend to forget. The creditor in this area has precise accounting.

Gossip accompanies us wherever we go, it is faithful to us. Indeed, depending on our moods: ("affective and dominant disposition of a person" Larousse) and our lack of intellectual honesty, we find fault, criticize our fellow men for their behavior or their performances, or even for their achievements, or quite simply for what they are.

In this, "the words of Victor Hugo" written in the 19th century are still relevant today. Extract from the book "How to live better".

The vanity

Vanity: “self-satisfaction, feeling of pride” Larousse.

Vanity can be akin to arrogance: I don't need anyone, not even God. Neither God nor Master, except that all the followers of this exclamation end badly.

This defect is, in my opinion, the most widespread defect in our so-called developed societies. The permanent competition objectifying success more or less forces human candidates to become adversaries by entering this detestable game of vanity. Constantly comparing oneself to oneself and never to others.

These people with an oversized ego (self) feel themselves becoming omnipotent, even self-righteous. The risk, because there is one, is to no longer exist as a socially recognized person. It is in this environment that hedonism, transgression, libertarian progressivism and therefore difficult ends of life develop.

Respect appears when vanity goes away.

Respect and vanity don't mix.

This brief evocation of certain defects brings me to the realm of the existential consequences due to all of them.

Spiritual Divine or Temporal

In the Universe and particularly on this earth, there reign two preponderant and diametrically opposed conceptions of life.

These are the Divine Spiritual and the temporal.

It is remarkable that in alphabetical order it is logical to approach the Divine Spiritual before the Temporal.

Life on Earth would be completely different if this logical order preceded and presided over all reflections.

Let's say it right away, this is not what is practiced in all scientific, medical, political, cultural, societal, economic, environmental leadership circles.

The Divine Spiritual

The Divine Spiritual is a concept in which it is accepted that God is the Creator of all things in the Universe. Therefore, those who believe in this concept define themselves as a mission, to Respect all that God has created: The mineral genus, the plant genus, the animal genus and naturally the human genus. This clearly translates into the need to constantly reduce our defects.

It is through our faults that we do not respect others. It is therefore essential to constantly improve ourselves.

We affirm the supremacy of the Divine Spiritual over the temporal.

We will see this later.

The Temporal

The Temporal , is a concept limited in time (and in space) by refusing any other way.

This very refusal initiated by our brain immediately limits it to a whole area of ​​unknown research. In this omnipresent concept, everything is regulated materially.

The Temporal has a limited duration, as opposed to the Divine Spiritual which evolves in the eternal. The Temporal evolves in "apparent immediacy".

The Temporal is linked to material things. It concerns the interests of this world. It thus has a limited view which is based on the dense, the present, everything that is sold, bought, touched, seen, felt or smelled.

The temporal researcher does not systematically dismiss the Spiritual goal of his works but he does not see it because he does not really believe in it.

His results, whatever they may be, will unfortunately always be inferior to what they could be. Indeed, he always finds himself blocked by earthly discoveries which are attached first to money, to delays, to gains in notoriety, to powers, to influence, to rank or hierarchy.

To see further

To return to the main object of this word, the Temporal encompasses our defects, accepting them more or less. The temporal admits defects as a fatality.

He half-heartedly tries to treat them with all kinds of allopathic, chemical, material and/or physical medications.

Attempts are made by a pseudo-spiritual will of a positive affirmation invoking formulas.

I am me, I attract abundance, I attract wealth etc….

Alas, all this only concerns the "Temporal".

Our faults, in our era where moderation is no longer in fashion, are by and for some elevated to the title of "superior qualities".

Many so-called artistic objects praised and valued by a certain elite were created under the influence of alcohol or drugs or even both at the same time. A certain number of books relate and highlight facts taken from more or less real lives, this is an expression of the temporal.

We only have one life

"Real life" exists. Could it be another life? It is easy these days to separate lives. Those who use these subterfuges only deceive themselves or those who resemble them.

For a wise person, they do not deceive. Certainly beauty exists. It does not need sophistication. True beauty can only be pure because its origin is without stain. It has no defect therefore, it is rare

Wanting to situate himself in the Divine Spiritual, the human being never ceases to be better every day than the day before. He knows that he must "improve himself constantly". Having entered this path, he understands and admits that his life will be the one he makes for himself every day.

He is the same everywhere. He understands that our faults can be the factors of our troubles, illnesses etc.

The follower of the Divine Spiritual realizes through his open-mindedness that chance does not exist.

He realized that luck does not exist and therefore, that bad luck does not exist.

He knows that at every moment through his thoughts, actions or lack of action, he is preparing his future. His future will become his present and then his past.

This one, through intellectual honesty, has realized that when a physical, emotional, financial or other problem occurs to him, it has been preceded by a breach of the "Pentacle of Respect for Creation".

This person, through his humility, has an open-mindedness that allows him to understand and accept the principle of causes and effects.

Finding the cause allows for improvement

At first this reflection opens the registers of causes. The best to come is that this person by improving will no longer be the target of all sorts of troubles attributed by the followers of the Temporal to chance, bad luck, etc. He will be much better off.

Indeed, each disease corresponds to a defect, let's think carefully.*

By reducing the defect, we reduce the disease; I have never seen the opposite. Disease and accidents are never inevitable.

He will have an interesting and sufficiently remunerative job that will cover his needs. These will be in line with respect for others. He will not accumulate for the sole purpose of accumulating.

In the Divine Spiritual attitude fear fades away, medical expenses too. God's protection is constantly self-adjusting in relation to our commitment to:

Respect for the Divine Laws of Universal Creation

*I created a table for 280 diseases and 180 (diseased) organs, each corresponding to a disease

Some examples justifying what is said above

Defects and hazards or causes and effects

Nature of hazards and effects Corresponding defects or causes
Car accident without bodily injury Anger
Car accident with bodily injury Violence
Couple problem D
Financial problem V
Health problem Vanity
Trouble finding a job T
Neurological disorder R
Problem of loneliness V
Problem due to car speed V
Neighborhood problem Respect
Legal issues I
Female infertility HAS
Male infertility L


merci pour ce site très intéressant.


Bonjour ce sont les premières lettres des défauts A vous de trouver les défauts qui correspondent aux dérangements

Bernard TENAND

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