Bernard TENAND

General balancing energizers

Dynamiseurs équilibreurs généraux

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A dynamizer by definition must energize: give, instill energy. Definition from Larousse Many energizers do indeed give energy. However, there are conditions. First condition: Knowing and being able to measure, through dowsing, its true effectiveness Second condition: Know and be able to measure your polarity + plus or minus -: a dynamizer that radiates in the minus will weaken you. Third condition: Knowing and being able to make it in such a way that it never becomes negatively charged. Fourth condition: Only energizers that permanently emit positive wave forms never become negatively charged and are perpetual, although this still needs to be proven by dowsing. There are many energizers made from minerals, ceramics, rare earths, orgonites, earthenware, porcelain, rock crystal, metals, glass, etc. In the event that these energizers do not emit, in addition to their own properties, sufficiently powerful positive wave forms, these energizers will function until the moment when they are charged to the maximum with negative waves circulating around them. At this point, they do the opposite of why they were purchased, they emit, they radiate harmful waves that weaken the people who are in their environment. To make a good energizer there is no need to use noble bodies, on the other hand it is necessary to know the creation and the manufacture of waves of positive and permanent forms a good spiritual elevation is essential. To understand what is being said above: two solutions First solution: Having a manual feeling regarding the polarity of the waves that are everywhere around us. With your dominant hand, the one that is used most often. Present your dominant hand a few centimeters above the energizer. The waves, vibrations or radiations should not sting the palm of the hand, they should blow cold or hot. Second solution: Take one of the Hebrew pendulums that I make and sell and present it above the energizer. The pendulum turns: the energizer radiates negatively. The pendulum does not turn: the energizer is not negatively charged. Recognize if the energizer easily charges negatively Present the energizer in front of a working electrical outlet at 1 centimeter and a few seconds. Two states in two methods: If the hand presented above stings: the energizer charges If the specific Hebrew pendulum turns: the energizer charges and is charged. If the presented hand feels a cold or hot breath that does not sting: it is a real energizer. If the specific Hebrew pendulum does not turn: it is a real energizer. Know how to evaluate the power of a real energizer By a person who has very good manual or visual feeling (very rare) By a competent and non-negatively charged dowser. By certain mediums.

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