Bernard TENAND

The domain of waves

Le domaine des ondes

Generalities on the wave domain

On Earth, there is everything that ordinary mortals see, it is much less important than what they do not see. If we were able, by an adequate device, to make these waves appear in order to see them, we would be astonished by their density. These waves are everywhere and come from everywhere in the universe. The most distant star or planet from our earth sends us a permanent radiation. We know that the radiation of our Sun reaches us on earth in 8 minutes and 41 seconds. Everything vibrates in the Universe, vibration is the origin of life, isn't the verb a vibration of the vocal cords? I noticed that the high vibration called positive is synonymous with health. The moon closer to us, sends these vibrations to the earth according to what it receives from all the stars around it. When it receives positive waves from the Sun, it sends them back to us by transforming them into negative waves during the full moon period which lasts 7 days; 3 days before the peak of the full moon and three days after this same peak. These waves, sometimes positive, sometimes negative, that we receive from the moon, are the primary influence of human and animal reproduction. It seems to me that science admits this without explaining it too much. Some observatories try to receive waves from space in order to discover something to be processed, carried by these waves.

Waves and science

These same waves, in the general sense, are partly domesticated by science in several areas. Electromagnetism is transported by waves. Artificial electromagnetism is completely different when it is distributed in very high frequency, it becomes more and more negative. The higher the frequency, the more energy it can transport, that's why it is bad for humans! These waves are classified by frequency range, low frequencies, medium frequencies, high frequencies, and very high frequencies. The higher the frequency, the shorter its length and the more destructive it is. We know some applications of them in the field of telecommunications such as radio or television. The scientist uses waves without knowing all their effects. Electromagnetism carried by waves is the subject of another article.

Waves unknown to science

The field of waves is known in other fields than science, while being less known to the general public. However, it is very effective for healing in magnetism, geobiology or radiesthesia. These waves exist, different while remaining very close to their sisters. For thousands of years, humans and animals have mostly detected these waves without knowing it. Just before the tsunami of December 26, 2004 in Banda Aceh (Indonesia) , it was observed that animals were overexcited, elephants broke their tethers. During the last earthquake felt in the Alpes Maritimes, one of my clients wrote me an email a few hours before the earthquake. She informed me that the ants, which I had made disappear from her basement some time before, were coming back in greater numbers. As soon as the earthquake was over, she noticed that the ants had disappeared.

The good and the bad in the field of waves

In the Universe everything is natural electromagnetic, wasn't fire discovered through the storm with lightning? It is interesting to know that waves can carry the good as well as the bad. Waves carry electromagnetism which is everywhere and for it to move there must be a potential difference materialized by the polarity plus + or minus -. The - is negative, the +, the positive. Positive natural electromagnetism, in the power that humans can accept, is beneficial for them. In dowsing and geobiology, waves are the main material. They are the ones that carry harmful, neutral or beneficial vibrations. Whether in the search for sources where the dowser feels waves coming from underground, or in sending corresponding vibrations to a product, these are always waves that can be called radiation, vibrations, energies, or other. Certainly these are subtle waves that are not captured by everyone… It is in this restriction that humans separate, those who know and those who refuse to know, because in their hands the pendulum does not turn. For some it is banal, for others it is a cheating to which we give the name of charlatanism.

The saving waves

However, the results are there, implacable, when dowsing or geobiology are performed correctly. To achieve real results in dowsing and geobiology, it is necessary to respect the laws of Creation. Both in research and in correction, distances do not change the result. When I sit in an office with the plan of a building in front of me. This building can be located 10,000 kilometers away, with a simple pendulum, it is easy for me to find and locate the telluric nuisances present in this building. People with very low vibrations are always unhealthy. A dead person has no vibrations. A healthy newborn has very high vibrations. Arsenic vibrates very low, gold very high. A 100% natural grape vibrates very high, a grape that has grown on a vine receiving layers of phytosanitary products vibrates very low. As a result, it brings no energy to the one who consumes it.

Hopes in the field of waves

Thus in radiesthesia, provided that you know precisely the frequency of waves of a disease of a precise point on the body, it is easy to transfer waves necessary for its recovery. These waves correspond to the waves of a product to be transferred or absorbed. The big difference lies in the transfer of waves of medicines where the active principle alone is transferred and not the often toxic excipients. In my daily work I do not recommend any functional food or food supplement. With this technique it is enough to know the exact vibration of a product to, with a small, simple device, transfer the effectiveness of this product to the person who needs it. It is thus possible to restore one's health in an often very short time. Obviously this state of affairs is far from being shared by everyone.

Dowsing and waves

The practice of the pendulum or any means of dowsing becomes a language. People speaking the same language designate the same objects, by the same names or at least the same descriptions. By making the same calculations, with the same methods of calculation, with the same numbers, we find the same results. Whether we like it or not, it is easy to measure the waves that escape from everything around us: a table, a chair, a pencil, a knife, a pillow, an apple, meat, a painting, a book, sentences, a person, an animal, a plant, a mineral. Affinities between people, between a person and a product, a medicine, a school, a teacher, a job, a car, a region and everything that vibrates. As everything vibrates, everything has a wavelength. We can therefore compare and measure the affinities between these wavelengths to infinity. It is a pity that science has not launched a research program in this direction for the moment. However, in the first half of the 20th century, hundreds of scientists worked with natural waves. Foveau de Courmelles , laureate of the academies of medicine and science, Branly, one of the inventors of radio, Melliere, president of the academy of medicine, dozens of others as well. Natural waves must eventually triumph without eliminating artificial waves that need to be controlled. Without encouragement I ask myself questions, without reflection I worry.


Bonjour Pour ma part tant que l’on parle d’ondes telluriques issues du druidisme et leurs polarité ça va. Par contre les ondes scalaires je n ai jamais pu ni les trouver ni les mesurer. Quand a certaines longueurs d ondes qui seraient néfastes a la peau Je n y crois pas non plus a partir de zéro hertz et en dessous toutes les ondes sont mauvaises pour tout organisme vivant sur la terre.Derniere chose il faut toujours vérifier la veracite de de ceux qui émettent des données A savoir qu’une personne positive émet toujours des messages vrais. Bernard T

Bernard TENAND

ReUp ce sujet d actualite et un peu plus…

De Stephane Cardinaux les ondes telluriques

"""" En 1350, la Grande Peste décime les bâtisseurs et le savoir est perdu pour quelques siècles. On le voit réapparaître furtivement en France entre 1620 et 1695, probablement grâce à un initié de louis XIII, son école est active jusqu’à la fin du règne de Louis XIV.

Dans certaines régions du monde, le savoir ne s’est pas perdu lors de la Grande Peste, c’est le cas des Iles Britanniques et de l’Amérique Latine. Au Tibet, le savoir des bâtisseurs, n’a jamais été interrompu depuis le Moyen Age, il est encore enseigné de maître à disciple, à la façon druidique.""""""

Les batisseurs maitrises les lignes d Or et tout autre ligne de courant electromagnetique tellurique ou cosmique pour ajuster et harmoniser les cathedrales avec les plus belles harmoniques aux solstices…

Que penser des ondes scalaires face aux ondes simplement sinusoidales ?
Est il tout autant dangereux pour le vivant d elever la frequence d une onde scalaire et par ce fait son energie ?

De tpelectrondes.emonsite
""""Concernant la pénétration des ondes électromagnétiques, au plus la fréquence est importante, au moins ils pénètrent notre peau, et inversement, plus la fréquence est faible, plus ils interagissent avec notre corps. Les scientifiques savent qu’entre 300 MHz et 10 GHz, les ondes entrent en interaction avec les parties locales de notre corps. A 300 MHz, profondément et à 10 GHz, simplement avec la surface de la peau. Or les appareils, tels les téléphones portables ou les routeurs Wifi, émettent des ondes comprises entre 850 et 1900 MHz, dans le créneau à risque…"""""

Fin de citation….
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