The Bernard Tenand pendulum
The BT pendulum was created by Bernard Tenand and is sized: to the golden ratio . I noticed several weeks ago that blue paint on a wooden pendulum significantly improved its receptivity. It was with this pendulum painted in blue that I discovered that on a small surface of my bed and at the foot of it the waves were not positive but negative. I had contractures every night and a cancer was establishing itself in the spinal cord!. I tell all this in radioactivity. This blue painted pendulum, much more sensitive than any other, gave me the idea of looking for the "ideal" pendulum. On a sheet of 21 X 29.7, I traced, on a scale of 5/1, with a blue pendulum, point by point, the entire ideal shape for a pendulum. I asked a mechanical workshop to make me an aluminum pendulum according to my design. As soon as I received the pendulum, I added a string and a ball to put it to use immediately. The tests were extraordinarily positive! This pendulum has a sensitivity previously unknown. All existing pendulums pale in comparison to this one, and yet I have pendulums. When I measured this pendulum, I realized that without meaning to, I was 1 millimeter away from the golden ratio. I recommended another one with the slight modification necessary to bring it into the golden ratio . The latter is the "golden ratio" pendulum. The results have improved further. - The BT pendulum is insensitive to all negative charges. - The BT pendulum has a fundamental radius of 180°, that's the maximum! - The BT pendulum vibrates and radiates a very great power around it! - The BT pendulum heals with its positive side which diffuses a strong vibration! - The BT pendulum is the best for searching . (It was used by the last trainees who found it formidable and breathtaking) -The BT pendulum also emits with extraordinary power. -The BT Vibre Pendulum has 120,000,000,000 Bovis for those who measure in that order -This BT Pendulum was created 100% by pendulum
To realize the sensitivity of this BT pendulum, it is necessary to detect with a classic pendulum on a radiation that is difficult to detect, and at what distance the classic pendulum detects. Then take the BT pendulum and look at what distance it detects the same source of radiation: the difference is enormous. About 10 times more important: when the classic pendulum detects at least 2 centimeters, the BT pendulum detects at more than 20 centimeters.
The first to try the BT Pendulum
1) A few days ago I bought your latest BT pendulum and it is fabulous. It is precise, fast and an energy that for me rises in my hand, then the arm and then my whole body each time I use it. I have some clocks, I spent money on all these clocks.!!! But this is extraordinary, for 50€ what he does he does very well. Moreover, Bernard's students will understand me if I tell them that it goes up very easily!!! Michel P
2) Hello Mr. Tenand I was very surprised by the responsiveness and power of the BT pendulum I haven't tested it on water, but it will come. Thanks and see you later. Best regard.
3) I am taking advantage of this day to work with your new pendulum. SUPER!!! I made a great investment. EF
4) I was wondering: is it my imagination or, when I work with the blue pendulum on a person to charge them with energy, I simultaneously have the feeling that I too am receiving energy at the same time. One thing is certain: when I work with this pendulum on my photo, I feel this flow of energy passing through me, it is very perceptible. I would love to know more about dowsing because I think that perceptions naturally become more refined as you practice.
I'll see you soon, Mr. Tenand.
Bonjour,monsieur Tenant,Je suis possesseur,entre autres,de votre pendule aluminium.3J’ai eu l’idée de tester les vibrations de Notre Dame de Paris,avant l’incendie,après et après l’inauguration.Avez -vous fait cela? je trouve de magnifique,à quelconque et à pratiquement rien…Airiez-vous la gentillesse de me confirmer si….je ne débloque pas?De tout coeur avec vous et ce que vous faites.Alain Genre-Jazelet,près d’Aix-en-Provence.
Cher Bernard,
Je suis carrément tombé amoureux de mon pendule plu BT, je ne le quitte plus !
il semble parfois animé de sa propre énergie, d’élans mécaniques, je le vois accélérer ou prendre des directions !
Je suis débutant et je vais m’intéresser aux formations dès que l’actualité le permettra.
Portez-vous bien, un immense merci pour tout ce que vous faites et que la vie soit belle à Pordic.
Amicalement, Jean-Marie
PS : Est ce que la série Keargwen, médaillons, l’eau et la boule Ten Or BT peuvent avoir un effet protecteur vis à vis du coronavirus ?