Bernard TENAND

The Power of Colors

Le pouvoir des Couleurs

Knowledge of colors

Colors are the emanation of the diffraction of white light or sunlight. As a result, they hold the highest vibrations received on Earth. They are largely ignored by Science for their hidden but nevertheless permanent qualities. After studying a group of people of which I was a part, I realized that colors are as powerful as anything that can be found on Earth to heal and cure.

The effects of colors

Given their reception impacts on Earth, we can observe certain effects. Violet and ultraviolet in the morning are good for us and red and infrared in the evening are less good. It is through tuning that we can find the right permanent color, beneficial for a given person. Thus I notice that only a few colors constantly come back in agreement with people. Green is never requested, red, orange sometimes. These colors, on the other hand, can have been very beneficial for a time for a sick person. In this case, it is necessary, with tuning, to determine this duration of exposure for this unusual color. The choice of the color to wear must be located in priority on the part of the body which corresponds to its predominant element. The effects of wearing our specific color are very surprising. Indeed, they appear in a few days.

The 7 original colors and others


Positive color. This does not mean that it should be used in any way. This color is associated with the planet JUPITER


Very positive. It is much easier to wear, provided however that you have the motivation for spiritual elevation. Its potential is very great. This color is associated with the Sun, so it is the highest in power.


Is a positive color with the same recommendations as for blue. This color is associated with the planet MOON


This color is negative which does not mean that it is for all uses. Indeed, water put in a bottle colored red and moreover, exposed to the sun will become very positive! This color is associated with the planet MARS, God of war in Rome. Roman soldiers were dressed in red to be more dynamic and aggressive in combat.


Seemingly neutral, this color will only be favorable in rare cases and for a limited time, to those for whom it is the color of incarnation. This color is associated with the planet VENUS This color is unfavorable in dowsing. It should be avoided in everyday life


It is a positive color. On the other hand, too much exposure to this color can bring melancholy. Nevertheless, it can be used to calm the agitated.


Like purple, it is a positive color with the same characteristics, but they are reinforced. You have to be careful not to expose yourself to UV rays for too long. This color is associated with the planet SATURN which is itself associated in Greek mythology with Chronos: the time .... of exposure? Well ... The sun distributes it in the morning. At that time it is good to expose yourself to it.


Is a negative color however with the advantage of bringing a little positivity through electromagnetism. This color is associated with the planet URANUS. Evening color... Be careful.


Positive, it is similar to blue and purple


White is a tint, not a color. Newton's diffraction was obtained from white light. By decomposition, we find the seven original colors. This tint is slightly positive, almost neutral. It reflects ultraviolet rays


It may seem surprising but black is a positive color. In addition, it has the particularity of absorbing negative currents and waves. This color is associated with the largest part of the Universe: darkness. But, without them, we would not have White light!

Diffraction of the seven main colors shown in Newton's circle

There are many complementary colors. However, they are only compounds of the seven main colors. Black light also appears in the spectrum of light. These colors coming from the solar system as well as the Universe act on minerals, plants, animals and humans. Colors are electromagnetic therefore polarized negatively and positively. Neutral exists but it has no effect. Each is associated with a plant, mineral, animal or human. White is slightly positive almost neutral, it refracts light and its polarity is neutral. Black absorbs colors but on the other hand, it is positive.

The use of colors

By tuning, it is easy to find the color to wear for a person wanting to fix vitamin A better. If you want to analyze yourself the veracity of the polarities of the colors below, be careful not to be loaded as well as your pendulum or wand . In addition, it must be kept in mind that a positive polarity does not mean that you have to remain constantly exposed to this color. However, a negative color can be beneficial for some people for a time. For example, you place yourself behind a piece of red fabric that separates you from the sun. When you measure, you will find that the pendulum turns positive. By doing the same with a blue fabric, the pendulum will turn negative.

Green color is negative

I found, during my latest research, that the green color is negative. So, be careful not to wear this color for a long time. Above all, do not use it for dowsing. Your results will accompany your pendulum which will be disturbed. Why is the color green negative? I analyzed the colors that each correspond to different wavelengths. I was able to see through this study that the colors correspond to the wavelengths of certain elements in the table established by Mendeleev. While many contain positive elements, unfortunately, the color green only contains 2 positive elements out of 11 (Silicon, Sulfur). The other 9 are negative (Antimony, Cadmium, Iridium, Niobium, Palladium, Lead, Radon and Rubidium). Some are even very negative.

The seven colors resulting from the diffraction of white light in a quartz prism.

Did you know that colors carry powerful and precise vibrations? An aggressive person would be advised to wear purple to soften up. An anemic person should wear orange-colored clothing or objects. Color Circle

1 comment

Si je comprens bien alors la nature est elle aussi negative par sa couleur verte ? Sauf la nuit positive ?…
Alors que l obscurité partielle Ou totale. n est pas des plus rassurant… D ordre general… Pourtant les balades en foret " ressourcent" bien et sont reposantes.


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