Bernard TENAND

The elements

The elements

Tatwas, names given to the elements according to the oldest Hindu writings. Five elements, one of which was created by the others. If we had all the elements in harmony at all times, we could become virtually immortal. In fact, we are always missing something.

God=Ether=Primordial Divine Substance: the most subtle Element that created and animates the other elements.

FIRE ; First element created by GOD it is represented by Heat and Expansion, it is the origin of Light its expansive side is manifested by the "electric fluid" with two polarities a positive constructive creative productive and a negative destructuring and destructive. Fire is active and at the same time latent. It is throughout the Universe in the human body it is: the head.

WATER ; created by GOD is represented by the Cold and the Contraction of this property of water comes the "electric fluid" with two polarities, a positive one, invigorating and nourishing, and a negative one, dissolving and decomposing; In the human body it is: the abdomen.

AIR ; created by GOD it has a mediating effect receiving from Fire Heat and Water, Humidity these are the polarities of Air. Heat is the generator of life, Humidity brings destruction to term. AIR establishes a neutral polarity link between FIRE and WATER by balancing the expansive action of Fire and the contracting action of Water. In the human body it is: the thorax.

EARTH ; is not really an element. The Earth element is the product of the other previous elements. Its property is to allow the manifestation of the other three elements by giving them a concrete form. This manifestation makes appear: space, measure, weight, time. By this concretization of the three other elements the Earth has become Quadripolar like an electromagnetic magnet it is the "Let it be" In the human body it is: the legs and the hips.

Since everything that affects us depends on these elements, we must know that it is the lack of balance of one of these elements which is at the origin of our permeability to all diseases. Example : Cancer is electrical and negative in nature. Alzheimer's disease is magnetic and negative.


Here is the distribution for the greatest number of signs with respect to the fundamental elements. However, you should know that the organization of the signs of the zodiac was created in the year 228 and that the sun shifts by 1° every 72 years. This is what is called the precession of the equinoxes. Which makes about 25° of shift going back Ex an Aquarius can be Taurus and so on so count on this gymnastics to situate yourself. So this table can only be an idea

On the other hand, the impact of being earth or fire is very important throughout our life.

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