Bernard TENAND

The Hebrew clocks Kaf and Yod

Essential Hebrew clocks

These two pendulums should be in every personal care office in any place that has been properly cleansed or harmonized.

Negative entities, apart from their stays at water vein crossings, are carried by animals and humans in low vibrations for several reasons. In your place of rest, work, business, in all places where animals and humans are welcomed, there is a risk of being in contact with negative entities. Often these people and animals are carriers of entities. These can get stuck here and there without you realizing it. People in your family who are weak for whatever reason may be possessed by entities. These people can suffer seriously and make their family suffer as a result of the psychological impact and affiliation. Equipped with these two pendulums, you can test their presence at any time and bring them to light. The result is immediate for the person or animal concerned as well as for the whole family by osmosis.

KAF 3 (Hebrew letter pendulum for searching for entities or negative charges.)

In the direction presented it detects entities or negative charges from N-1 to N-3 in the other direction (it reverses) to detect negative charges and entities from N-4 to N-7 see dial evaluations

Yod Pendulum with Hebrew letters to bring negative entities to light or to dissipate negative charges on objects. This pendulum is used to bring up entities or negative charges detected with the pendulum on the left.

These two pendulums are essential when you know them, wherever you treat people.

These clocks are available in pairs in the shop . They are accompanied by their instructions. Hebrew clocks


J’ai acheté récemment le coffret de 8 pendules. J’avoue avoir été surprise et déçue en voyant la taille des pendules: je les pensais plus gros au vu des photos. J’ai aussi été déçue du coffret: je pensais le coffret plus joli avec des séparations pour maintenir chaque pendule dans sa case et les transporter plus facilement plutôt qu’une simple petite boite en carton. Ceci dit, je ne regrette pas du tout l’achat de ces pendules dans ma pratique régulière en énergétique. J’ai une question sur le pendule Kaf parce qu’une perle n’a pas la même couleur: violette au lieu de jaune. Est-ce bien toujours la rouge pour le N -1/-3 et la violette N -4/-7. Merci en tous cas pour l’envoi ultra rapide!

BENAMZA Stéphanie

bonjour je peux vous demander votre adresse mail car je ne sais pas comment mètre la photo sur ce site ? merci


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