On Earth as in the Universe everything is polarized.
The polarity elements are denoted by plus + and minus -. We find these elements in a battery, in a generator.
It is also the quality related to the poles of a magnet and the direction of external magnetic induction.
Energy always flows from a weaker point to a stronger point.
On Earth it is possible to see this. For example: when we look at a world map it is easy to see that the continents are much wider towards the North Pole than towards the South Pole.
The reason is that the North Pole is more energetically powerful than the South Pole.
So in all energy transport it is necessary that the two ends are in opposite directions.
Plus goes to minus or minus goes to plus depending on the most powerful energy point.
We know that it is through energy that universal life exists.
In dowsing it is of capital importance.
When we want to treat a person we look for an effective treatment written on both sides, for example silicon that we want to transfer to a deficient person.
We carry out this transfer by means of a transferer. This one has an orifice in the northern part to receive the treatment this orifice is of polarity plus + so it must receive the minus side – of the treatment.
Below are 2 skeletons showing the polarities of the two sexes of the human race.
This is important for wearing medals, working with a magic wand, in magnetism or even for taking energy from a tree. It is also important for setting up your workstation.

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