Warning about Hebrew Clocks
There are many tricks, deceptions, false announcements, objects, wonderful pentacles, energizers, balancers or others that restore health.
Promises of amazing, even miraculous training without doing anything, or by swallowing a few pills, have always existed. The arrival of the Internet has multiplied them.
It is not easy, when you are not in the profession, to discern the true from the false. How do you know with whom you can contract ... or not?
I work daily with Hebrew clocks
It is therefore necessary for me to be myself, in search of the truth, not negatively charged. You understand that this is the least of things: to be free oneself, to see what is foggy.
These Hebrew pendulums, you must first test them on something obvious. You must choose something that you know, to reassure yourself. If you practice like this, you will be reassured.
The search for truth is important. Feeling deceived can be serious. Indeed! Just look around you, the media, very regularly report all the dubious affairs.
A good working method
The operating principle: be seated (or standing) facing magnetic north or east. The thing to be evaluated is in front of you, free from other objects. Take the pendulum between your thumb and index finger by the small knot in the string. Present the pendulum above the object to be tested, about 5 mm above.
Now, you have to wait until the pendulum is impregnated with the vibration to be tested. During this search, you should only be in contact with the ground or the buttocks on the chair or armchair. The pendulum takes a
dextrorotatory (right) or
levorotatory (left) direction depending on its specificity of rotation. It may not turn. In general, turning to the right means yes (affirmative, positive) and for others, turning to the left also means yes. With the truth pendulum above your photo, it is better if it turns positive.
This pendulum has square Hebrew letters. It allows you to know, when you present it above a text, a book, a contract, a proposal, a letter, a promise, if these are true and not tainted by lies. This pendulum presented above the thing to be evaluated turns positively when what is written is true. The pendulum swings from bottom to top or from right to left to indicate that there is some truth ... and some less true.

Warning! When the pendulum does not turn and remains still, it means that the document, object or product is not real. Try it on AB (Organic Agriculture) products and their labels and you will understand. Make sure you are not loaded before testing.
This pendulum can be presented above a text, a letter, a contract, an advertisement, a report, a photo, an insurance contract, a training course, an estimate, an invoice, a letter of promise of employment, a signature in relation to the name of the signatory of an object with its advertisement. If it turns happily, it is because there is a lie in what is proposed. The pendulum swings from right to left or from top to bottom: not everything is a lie but a more or less important part is. You must remain vigilant and careful. When the pendulum remains still, there is no lie. Make sure you are not loaded before testing.

This pendulum presented above the photo of a person about whom you want to know his righteousness, will swing from left to right or from top to bottom to tell you that this person is not forbidden to you while remaining cautious with regard to him. In the case where the pendulum turns frankly, like a helicopter, you must be wary and when you can, not to engage with the risk of serious trouble. The pendulum remains motionless: you can engage. In all cases take all precautions and be honest "Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you".

This pendulum presented, on a compromise, an employment contract, a promise of purchase or sale, any written request on all subjects. Three results
- It does not turn: stop all negotiations.
- It swings up and down from right to left: you have to be very careful.
- And finally, it turns happily: you can contract with confidence.
In any case, make sure you are not loaded before testing.
Naturally, you must write your documents in accordance with the rules of morality, codes and labor rights.
Buy Hebrew Clocks
Les formations que je dispense sont pointues elles valent le déplacement
Bonsoir bT
je serai intéressée par les pendules hébraïques, mais dans la présentation par 4 ils sont à
58 euros, alors que sur votre boutique ils sont à 85 euros ?
j’habite au centre de la France, vous êtes loin, les cours par correspondance ne m’emballent pas, et un étalement sur x dimanches après midi … guère possible vu la distance.
auriez vous une solution ou proposition ?
dans l’attente de vous lire, cordialement, Renée rmegalithique@orange.fr