Bernard TENAND

Research with the help of Radiesthésie

Recherches avec l'aide de la Radiesthésie

An update on my research with dowsing

Having not assessed the coronavirus since April 12 , I carried out this operation this morning using dowsing. I discovered that this virus has self-reactivated. I put it back in itself, a specific treatment on trial in a range found shortly before 2020. Why did he return to a state close to that in which he was on April 1st ? Obviously, it is difficult to understand an organism that is still little known. Today, the greatest researchers in the world are groping their way... So, it is even more complex when you do not have, like me, a scientific culture. How many debates in this period oppose those who know in order to share their knowledge... and their doubts. Now we will have to wait a few days because the sick people will once again suffer the sad consequences of the coronavirus. Obviously for those who are foreign (more than 85%) to the Divine Laws of the Creation of the Universe the problem is only scientific. I hope, if God accepts it, to be able to show them that this will no longer be the case in a short time. On the other hand, as in all misfortunes, one must seek to draw a good side from it, a lesson. But for this, one must agree to recognize one's mistakes, without invoking chance and bad luck.

My steps

I started by looking for possible associations of the disease with external reactions or origins:
  • vaccine
  • medicine
  • natural degeneration
  • congenital origin
  • Chemical product
  • physical product
In my research with radiesthesia, I have obtained some very interesting beginnings of results. You will see the testimonies soon, I hope. To complement my work, I also focused my research on what are called " asymptomatic side effects." They could open the door to future neurological diseases. The first results seem to confirm my doubt because, unfortunately, they are not negative. See the list of drugs that have been banned after being validated by the competent authorities.


Bonsoir il y 1%

Bernard TENAND

Par curiosité, j’ai syntonisé VIH / COVID 19… j’obtiens: oui à 30%
Suis je dans la “vérité”?
Je détecte également VIH chez une “personne COVID” à moins de 5%…
Je me trompe?

Marc K.

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