This virus, SARS-CoV-2 (commonly called CoViD 19) and its variants has Divine Spirituality as its enemy. It is through research that I found this answer. Let us not be mistaken, this is not being bigoted. It is honoring God who asks us to live WELL together and to simply Respect what he has created.
Respect for values
These are values, which must be named Honesty, Respect, Courage, Justice and Duty. The law can only lead to conflicts to assert it. Duty must come from the top of the pyramid by casting its indelible mark on the whole of it. It is the stones at the bottom that support those at the top. We often hear the word Value highlighted but we are careful not to name the real values. These barkers never go into the deep explanation for fear of being confused.Divine spirituality
In a world where Divine Spirituality diminishes, or even disappears, illness replaces it. A very old Hebrew saying says "when the sacred goes away, illness replaces it". Lavoisier also wrote "Nothing is lost, everything is transformed". The same goes for morals, culture, and societal life. Christianity has carried the influence of Europe very high, through schools (Charlemagne), hospices that became hospitals (Saint Vincent de Paul), health insurance in the 19th century (by the Christian bosses of the North in France). Self-realization, consumerism, hedonism of all kinds have undermined it. The ban on banning will ban itself from living, while continuing to have the upper hand.Our future
We are in decadence. This has in its procession weakness. And weakness leads to submission, which I do not wish for my country France. I name it contrary to those who designate it by "this country" while hastening to claim its advantages. By continuing without taking into account societal problems, health will become the abyss of added value which will also decrease. Haven't we gone from 39 hours to 32 hours 30 in several public services, paid for 39 hours? (Source IFRAP ). There is talk of returning to 35 hours with a pay increase. We are walking on our heads and as we are very little trained in this sport, the consequences will not be long in coming. Our illnesses and troubles are caused by our defects, which are in positive development .SARS-CoV-2 is linked to our flaws
Let us expect increasing morbidities unless... unless we apply to ourselves, humans, what the green ecologists reserve for Nature. They have made a major oversight: nature is directed by humans. When humans change, nature will follow, because nature does not like bad faith. I have just tried to apply a new remedy to SARS-CoV-2 and variants so that it reduces its harmful hold on our world. Let us not cross our fingers. Let us pray and be worthy. Fairness, firmness, respectThe Saturday
Oh you Sun of our System, Without whom nothing can be. Apostle of God on earth, Without whom nothing can be born. Thank you for being there every Saturday, Even from a single ray To revive in our heads The flame still fragile here below To believe in Creation without postulate.
Merci et personnellement je penche plutôt sur le principe que tout ce qui nous arrive nous incombe. bt
Merci pour ce bel article
Beaucoup s accorde a dire maintenant et plus que jamais nous devons cultiver et muscler notre Foi et prier le seigneur.
( B T. Vos prieres sont bien venues )
Misericorde par nos coeurs tournons nous vers Dueu notre sauveur.
Seule la formidable energie de nos prieres peut generer le bouclier aux futurs degats probables du virus amplifié avec ces vaccins pour l enfer..mement des ames avec l incapacitè de se reincarner.
Les. Civilisations. Superieures du meme plan materiel envie nos capacités d eveil a la Foi dont ils sont depourvus.
voici des liens qui alerte et qui incite a prier plus que jamais dans le silence par projection des mots a travers l univers auquel nous sommrs rattachés sans qu aucun element de contrainte parvienne a nous retenir.
Je n arrive pas a copier coller ces liens. Je vous les enberrai M Tenand.
Il faudrait dans l absolu travailler sur les vaccins car autrement… Je ne prefere rien redire de ce que j ai lu… Quant aux effets devastateurs des variants avec les reactions en chaine des vacinnés affectant egalement les non vaccinés…
Comprenne qui pourra…