Solstice of the year 4382 of the Celtic renaissance
Community of DRUIDS of Quebec
Summer solstice in QUEBEC, in the Laurentians, north of Montreal, in the year 4382 of the Celtic Renaissance era.
A rooster is over the flame, I can tell you for having taken the photos myself, That the flame was compact. I looked twice, after taking the photo, to see what was happening.
Everyone who was at the ceremony is unanimous in saying that the flame of the fire did not look at all like this image!!
What happened ?
June 28, 2009
Same ceremony, the flame taken from another angle
The top of this flame does not look like the flame of fire either.
The participants form a circle around the fire after having placed themselves in order, according to the months of birth of each person, and having gone around the fire three times in a clockwise direction.
Here is another flame, where the photo of the flame which looks nothing like the flame that everyone saw that evening.
Here are the different essences of aromatic plants, seven in number. These different aromas will be poured into the fire before lighting it and in a precise order.
Here are the seven essences of Sacred Wood of the Druids arranged in a pyramid in a precise order. Starting at the bottom with the conifer.
Rock from which the prayer ceremony was opened by the great druidess This rock is located on a Druidic telluric current of high positive vibrations. These currents are found in a belt all around the Earth Under volcanoes in general, a DRUIDIC telluric crossing is in place. These currents carry the forces of the Earth
Considering the precession of the equinoxes. The sun shifts by one degree every seventy-two years, since the dawn of time!!
Considering that the alignment of the zodiac signs dates back to the year 228, we can deduce that all the zodiac signs are out of sync.
It is 2009 -228 = 1781 years divided by 72 = approximately 24°74' over 360°, or at least 24 days to date!!
the periods corresponding to the signs are in bold on the right
This table is the result of two contradictory sources. About 20 years ago I visited the planetarium of Pleumeur Bodou near Lannion in 22, Côtes d'Armor
That day we had the honor of being the audience of an astro physicist Director of CNET.
As a welcome he asked us if there was an astrologer in the room. Faced with silence, he told us straight away. So much the better because I'm going to mistreat the signs of the zodiac.
The astrophysicist commented on the sky, then when he came to the Sun, he told us about its shift of one degree every seventy-two years or so. I admit that at that time, being a small industrialist, all this went over my head. Then, later, I came to dowsing, magnetism, geobiology, having read a few books and in a book by Paul Bouchet, Grand Druide des Gaules. My memory revived.
I read that of course the precession of the equinoxes was known to the Druids with a slightly different calculation.
That CHRISTMAS was dated in 758! And that the signs of the zodiac as we know them were established once and for all in the year 228, this read, seen, committed to memory.
The Sun is constantly shifting, the signs of the zodiac, referring to our solar system, cannot help but be influenced by their positions in relation to the Sun!
This shifting, how can it be otherwise than shifting the signs in relation to the dates of birth?
It would be very interesting if someone with good sources could prove the opposite?