The definition of health has been debated since the beginning of humanity.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), here is the definition:
"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
This seems to be a goal rather than a state. Before being sick or declared sick by a routine CT scan or MRI, one is in good health, especially for long-term illnesses. Health is a bit of a catch-all word that is used for different situations.
Don't we say of someone who is dynamic: "he's in great health!" or even "what health!"
The word health also comes into play when talking about a company: this company is in good health!
Health has a relative meaning, because there is no standard criterion for measuring or evaluating its degree, intensity.
There are people with disabilities who are robust, never sick and always dynamic. Can't we say that they are healthy?
Look at the man who crossed the Channel with all four limbs amputated, Philippe Croizon. Isn't he in good health?
Doctor LEPRINCE said: health is when you cannot feel your organs.
Health seen by science
On some scientific sites, it is argued that you do not take medication in the long term. You have always felt good (you sometimes have pain here and there or get the flu but it never lasts long).
- Your weight is stable, neither too high nor too low.
- You eat until you are full (no more) and with a good appetite.
- You sleep properly, and when you sleep less, you make up for it the next night(s).
- You have never been hospitalized for anything other than appendicitis or a minor accident.
- You are not taking any medication long term.
- You are not completely sedentary (you walk at least half an hour a day).
- You don't smoke.
- You have regular and enjoyable sexual activity.
- Your parents are in fairly good health and/or have reached the age of seventy without major health problems.
- You get along quite well with your partner.
- Your children (if you have any) are annoying you but are in great shape.
- You don't have (too many) money or work worries.
Health seen from the spiritual side
From my point of view, I make some distinctions. I think that health is acquired, improved, maintained or deteriorated depending on the spiritual level that directs the psychic, physical and scientific level.
I have noticed that health status goes hand in hand with spiritual status. With a low spiritual status it is difficult to make good decisions for one's health. So one must rely on others, on science which will do its best.
Health is maintained or improved by basic means which are of 3 different natures:
- Living and sleeping in a healthy place
- Eating healthily by pleasing the stomach more than the palate
- Think and act with love.
It is rare that a scientist or an intellectual (or both at the same time) comes to see me to harmonize his living space. However, the Druids and the Egyptians already practiced this 5,000 years ago. In the 1930s it was common and scientists practiced dowsing.
While the definition of health is not the same for all of us, there is, however, the best possible state for each of us.