Bernard TENAND

Blood tests

Blood tests

The results of blood tests carried out on people who have been parked for a long time, on or in contact with harmful waves are generally not within the norm.

For young people with faster cell renewal this will not appear or will appear very little. However, all kinds of nuisances attack the cells constantly. As time passes and nothing is done, the analyses, despite the possible medications prescribed and absorbed, will not do anything in depth, not to mention that these, poorly accepted by some of our organs, will create morbidity elsewhere.

Most of the time the iron, silicon, selenium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, will be lacking with the repercussions on the said analyses

In the case of analyses revealing serious or even very serious morbidities, it is advisable to have a second one done through a completely different circuit. To err is human. There is also the observation of several doctors in the 1950s who stated that errors were frequent.


oui Dysbiose et stress oxydatif , emmènent des carences en vitamines ,pertes de poid ,problèmes de thyroide ,de foie etc… bref tout l’organisme se dértaque ,a cause de nos émotions, notre généalogie, notre négativité et mauvaise alimentation, comportement aussi dans la vie de tout les jours !


Bonjour Merci beaucoup je viens de contrôler si j étais carencé en quoi que se soit résultat carencé en rien

Bernard Tenand

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