Bernard TENAND

Elements and memberships

Éléments et appartenances

As I researched deeper into the fundamental elements: Fire, Air, Water and Earth, I became aware of some analogies.

We all have a predominant element out of the four fundamentals on the one hand, on the other hand each part of the body corresponds to an element.

Head to the Fire

Chest in the air

abdomen in water

From the hips to the feet to the Earth

If we look with a radiesthetic means at the value in each of these four elements, we will find different numbers in each one.

These numbers range from 10 to 100. When I find 100 for a person's fire element, this means that this person has the weakest part of the body: the head. Which translates for them as:

no or little alcohol

Little or no stimulants

Little or no salt

no or little coffee, tea

No anxiolytics, antidepressants

Little or no chemical medication for the head.

Beware of the mobile phone, music stuck to the ears for a long time

Drink plenty of water, at least 1.5 liters of measured water per day.

Little or no heated discussion

Moreover, it seems to me that there are more and more people whose predominant element is FIRE, watch out for conflicts, depressions, neurological diseases.

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