What is osteoarthritis?
This condition is one of the targets of geobiology like many other degenerative diseases. Many people say that it is a genetic disease. Others think that it comes with old age. Some will put forward the idea that this condition is inevitable for people who work in water or in the cold. People who have had accidents with fractures will rely on them to predict these afflictions that come with age. These disturbances are very disabling for those who have to endure them daily. Few prophylactics overcome osteoarthritis without being suspended from permanent or one-off treatments. Not to mention the many surgical operations performed with the shock of the operation, the possible after-effects and inglorious consequences crowning these turpitudes.
In any case, a person suffering from osteoarthritis and other similar diseases cannot constantly exercise movements without feeling pain. Unless they take treatments (anti-inflammatories, painkillers, infiltrations, cryogenics, ointments of all kinds (some are still excellent). Even if they are very effective, they will relieve you but will not cure you.
A finding
The late Doctor SEIGNALET had partly understood the process of these diseases. I say partly, because another factor exists. In his book "Food or the Third Medicine", this eminent doctor writes very clearly that conventional medicine has little to offer to effectively treat and cure these diseases. You should know that all medicine contains toxic products, that for many of these you will keep them in the body for decades, or even forever and that they accumulate in addition with the others. This is acceptable, if, fortunately, they cure you. On the other hand, if not, they come to tire your body at a time when it needs all the energy necessary to fight your pain. Pain is an alert emitted by your body. It tells you that you cannot do certain movements. You will no longer be able to do certain walks and various daily movements. Pain determines the physical inability of some people to practice their profession, with the financial problems that result from it. The inability to carry out the gestures of daily life. Stopping physical activity will generate an almost inevitable weight gain. Excess weight will weigh on your joints, amplifying the process. Faced with all these minor or major drawbacks, many succumb to proposals of all kinds, most of the time ineffective in the long term.
Reaching certain limits
About 80 years ago, Doctor Hector DURVILLE, a very good magnetizer in addition to his great knowledge of the human body, had an idea that has since made its way. When a person asked Hector DURVILLE for a consultation for osteoarthritis, he asked him a first question: "Since you have been suffering, have you continued to move your limbs even when in pain?" If the person answered negatively, Hector DURVILLE knew that he could do nothing more for this person.
For a long time, medicine advised not to move in the presence of osteoarthritis. Today, it has changed its attitude for the greater good of all of us. We know that a person who does not move will have a large part of his body less vascularized. Blood being the life in the body, less blood circulation, less life and necrosis follows.
A personal experience
Fortunately, there are methods with proven results. In 1999, having terrible back pain and being quite resilient by nature, I was forced to consult an osteopath and a chiropractor. Given the rigidity of my spine, the chiropractor asked me to have X-rays taken before operating. I know that X-rays are bad, but I agreed to them. They detected advanced wear of the vertebrae (atlas, axis and cervical as well as lumbar and sacral). I had pain when turning my head, when bending down, in bed I was constantly turning, without ever finding the right place. I had difficulty gardening with severe pain when digging despite wearing a lumbar belt. I walked with a slight limp. A persistent pain in the groin. Pain in the shoulders, knees and mainly on the right side. The chiropractor relieved me, it's true. But over time the pain returned. I then consulted an osteopath. I felt an improvement but the pain came back again, especially in the knees, groin and neck.
My solution
At that time I was treating people with magnetism and noted the improvements I brought them. But the pains returned and these same people were led to consult again. They came back to me or, what I understand very well, went to see elsewhere. I understood that another factor existed and I documented myself on this subject. Books, courses, conferences, dowsers, in short a whole research work. With all these observations I undertook to do the geobiological cleaning of my house. In fact now, I sleep exactly in the same place as the previous owner of my house. She died of cancer! I did this cleaning four years ago. I slowly felt the improvements coming, with remnants of less acute pain here and there. Today I have forgotten everything. Everyone knows that when we no longer feel or think about an illness it is because it is no longer there. Previously, when I was driving my car, after an hour I would feel pain in my right knee. Recently I drove for five hours without thinking about it! I can even turn my head without pain! When I get out of the car, I feel more flexible.
My remedies including a new one
1) Have your house completely geobiologically cleaned . I see houses that are described as "cleaned" and where the nuisance of water veins on people still remains! So it's as if nothing had been done.
2) Work remotely two to three times on the people living in this house.
DISEASES 8/12/2018 | Corner | Hertz | Mendeleev Elements | Fundamental Elements | Colors | Hebrew letters | Defaults |
Osteoarthritis | 23° | 26 Hz | Xenon | Earth | Purple | Ayin | Violence |
3) Accept and rigorously apply a food hygiene that I recommend. This food hygiene is applicable gradually without voluntarism but with understanding to achieve the necessary motivation. This hygiene allows you to eat a lot of things by totally or partially eliminating certain foods.
4) Take organic silica for a few months, to speed up healing. It is food for the joints.
5) In my research, I found 4 antidotes that I have tried on myself and 4 other people since October 15, 2014. To date, one person and I have been able to see the effectiveness of the treatment. I am waiting to see the effects that can be seen on the other 3 people.
The price is ultimately cheap compared to the cost of the arsenal of permanent care, creams, ointments, accessories such as magnetic belts and all those restrictive electromagnetic devices. The fees of excellent therapists are added to this list.
Now it's your choice
The way I offer you is certainly slow but sure! Moreover, it is much less expensive and natural.
Since I wrote these lines, I have found that a very old medicine can do wonders for these pains. This medicine is called: the soul. Try to make it clean and your soul and you will heal.
Apparently treating osteoarthritis with Silver on the transferer works very well
You may not agree with what I write. Consider giving me your opinion with the contact form.
Bernard TENAND
That’s way more clever than I was extpneicg. Thanks!
Ce est beaucoup plus intelligent que je pensais . Merci
A O d S, le 25.10.2014
Depuis plus de 20 ans j’avais une douleur à l’épaule gauche, tous les matins en m’habillant.
Cette douleur provenait d’un accident. Le médecin m’avait prévenu, que les années passant, les séquelles de cet accident auraient amplifié l’arthrose. Je dois convenir que depuis que Mr Tenand est intervenu, la douleur s’est estompée, pour disparaître complètement au bout de trois semaines. Je suis très étonnée et contente de voir cette arthrose disparaître sans que je n’ai rien eu à prendre comme médication, tout en coûtant bien moins cher. A noter que la médecine n’a guère de solution à ce problème.
Merci beaucoup Mr Tenand