Beware of miracle products for cancer and other diseases
I see advertisements for miracle products that cure cancer blooming on popular websites?
Stop the lies; Mr GERSON, unless I am mistaken, died of cancer.
I am willing to take up the challenge on this subject.
The only cure for cancer and many other diseases is:
-Sleep and work in one area really healthy.
-Eat healthy.
-Think healthy.
These actions are currently the only ones to cure many diseases.
We must stop turning a blind eye.
I can't say more here.
Just ask people who claim that the GERSON cure or other products cure, their cost to social security per year? Their real state of health?
For experienced dowsers, analyze them and you will be edified.
I got in touch with the GERSON institute and I was never able to get a photo or date of birth of a person supposedly cured by their care.
I asked if I could be put in touch with one of the supposedly cured people and was told that it was not possible....
I would like to meet a doctor who cured himself of cancer through medical means?