Hello sir: news from Papa JC P after scintigraphy: the metastases in the tibia have disappeared!
The others in the basin are decreasing...
Thank you, thank you. Sophie
Hello sir, Dad is well, he is confident and grateful for life every day. Mom is more positive.
Thank you, Sophie
08/21/2015 start of my cancer treatment with metastasis
Hello Sir, just a quick note to give you news of Dad who got up this morning in a low mood.
Thank you, have a nice day Sophie
Hello Mr. Tenand,
First of all, I would like to thank you very much for your work on my place of residence, on me and for the positive effects they have had on me.
In fact, I no longer feel any lower back pain or sciatica, the rectal bleeding has disappeared.
Here is my medical journey since that last email in November 2014:
ü Left ovarian cyst
I had an MRI on 20/11/2014 (P1 & P2: MRI report). It revealed a 3.9/4.7 cm cyst on the left ovary that was described as "borderline". After consulting my gynecologist, Professor R, on 16/12/2014 (P5 & P6) and 10/03/2015 (P7 & P8) and review of this MRI (P3 & P4) by a colleague, surgery was scheduled for April 22 to remove this cyst.
However, with the help of my GP, Dr C, I had a follow-up MRI on 01/04/2015 (P9). This latest imaging showed a cyst in regression, 1.8/2.7 cm, no longer classified as a "clear cell tumour", it became clear that surgery no longer seemed necessary in this situation. The operation was therefore cancelled and I was offered follow-up ultrasound in May.
ü Papillomavirus
Presence of papillomavirus type 18 and 66 revealed during samples, “smears”, taken on 04/02/2014 (P10 & P11), 29/07/2014 (P12) and 16/12/2014 (P13 & P14).
Professor R's opinion on this subject (cf P7) is "to wait for the spontaneous clearance of this HPV by taking a sample every 6 months".
ü Endometriosis
According to the MRI scans of 11/2014 (P1 & P2 report and P3 & P4 MRI review) and 04/2015 (P9 report), endometriosis is present again. I have been taking Lutéran 10 mg (P19 Photo) per day, every day since December 2014. During the gynecological examination, Professor R noticed that my left side was not very mobile and was surprised by the absence of pain in everyday life and during intimate relations.
ü Vulva: Lichen sclerosus
Since the beginning of 2014, approximately, 2 small white spots have appeared on the vulva. Initially smooth and light in appearance, they then took on a little relief to feel them to the touch as well as a clear depigmentation. I consulted a dermatologist, Doctor Bing, on 01/12/2015 (P15) and we performed a vulvar biopsy (P16 & P17). She diagnosed lichen sclerosus and prescribed Clarelux (P20 Photo) cream for local application. During our last consultation on 03/05/2015 (P18) the spots had disappeared and I am asked to remain vigilant by applying this cream once a week (for life according to Pf R) to prevent the lichen from reappearing.
To sum it all up:
§ The left ovarian cyst is regressing and needs to be monitored
§ Papillomavirus, no treatment with smear control expected this year
§ Endometriosis, under Lutéran 10 mg, no pain to monitor depending on the pain and desire for pregnancy
§ Vulvar lichen has disappeared, monitor and apply Clarelux once a week
Overall I feel very good and no longer have any pain. These results, in terms of endometriosis, surprise me because I do not feel in line with them.
What also concerns me is the location and violence of these attacks centralized at the gynecological level since 2012.
I have actively researched my immediate family history and that of my ancestors. In view of the dramas and numerous secrets that have been reported to me, I wonder about any transgenerational link between my health concerns focused on fertility and this heavy family past.
What is your opinion on this? I can tell you more about it over the phone.
I am available to discuss my health with you once you have read “this library” about me!
I have the MRI CDs available for you and can send them to you by post if you wish.
Best regards and thanking you again for your interventions and their beneficial effects.
Mr Tenand
I thank you for the help you gave me for my ovarian cancer. In fact, when I took the blood after the first chemotherapy, the blood test had become normal. The doctors at the hospital do not understand.
Hello Bernard
A few words to tell you that my brother Philippe is doing better.
Indeed, after a diagnosis of prostate cancer at the beginning of December and a PSA level of 4.8; the latter after your treatment his PSA level rose to 3.6.
He decided not to have the operation.
I thank you very sincerely.
To confirm that my brother Philippe saw his PSA level drop from 4.4 to 3.8, the authorized level being three!!!
To me it seems cured with a frequency of over 800,000htz on the prostate.
I corrected the cleaning of his house by installing biohmme when he returned from vacation.
Good evening Mr. Tenand
I don't know what words to use to thank you very warmly for your help for our son F....... who, during the consultation with the cancer specialist, has nothing left. A follow-up every six months for two years of scan... is recommended for him??? not good for his health but I don't say anything to them anymore.
The result is just your work
A thousand THANKS Mr. Tenand
Very very affectionately S.....
Pordic on 09.09.2012
A cancer case in the East where a woman was operated on in the abdomen and then they offered to remove a kidney and after my insistence to wait for the results which took more than two months to come: No cancer; I had cleaned her house a year before What to say???????????????
Pordic on 07.09.2012
In Paris, on the advice of a doctor in the presence of results, he declares to his patient what he believes to be pancreatic cancer, tells her you have 6 months, he had her admitted to the hospital, she undergoes many tests, I work a lot on her and she comes home 8 days later and now she is offered chemo?????????????????????I am waiting for the tests
Pordic on 01.09.2012
A client tells me that his wife has just had breast cancer surgery. I take this woman's file and I see that the day and the days before the surgery she was very negatively charged in the right breast I tell him: right breast he answers yes!!! exactly Now she is offered chemo without her having consulted her results. On my advice he decides to wait at least for the results of the tests....................
Pordic on 06.04.2011
I am quite often confronted with the pressure that is put on patients to undergo radiotherapy and chemotherapy without, very often, them having been informed of their test results.
Then I am called to make vomiting, nausea, etc. disappear.
Moreover, radio stations and television channels bombard our eyes and ears with dazzling medical discoveries and future panaceas.
Books appear with great fanfare of television and radio advertising reports, giving false hope to those who quickly go to buy them. Now here is my question:
Can I be given the civil status (without his address) of a single doctor who has cured cancer using only classical and chemical medicine?
Morbihan 2010
A man is hospitalized, his heart beats at 180 beats/minute, a neighbor, a client, asks me to intervene a few hours after his hospitalization, which I do, the heart stabilizes at 80 beats/minute.
He had gone to the hospital with very little luck I was told to go home. A few days later he is back in his house.
He also has prostate cancer.
At the request of his wife who sends me the plans of their house and their civil status, I clean their house, and I intervene on them as usual. A series of rays is administered to him.
I told him I didn't agree but someone very close to him works at the hospital...
This gentleman, who is otherwise very positive, calls me from time to time during the series of rays to help him get over the burning and nausea inherent in this type of treatment which irradiates you... for a long time.
During a conversation, this person told me that she had already undergone chemotherapy three years ago for prostate cancer, without success.
Today this gentleman goes about his various activities and above all he is no longer tired on a recurring basis, he feels good.
The three successful conditions necessary for health when met rule out almost all cancers and many other diseases.
The person who acted as an intermediary in this case is a client who is now back working and to whom the health services in her department had promised the wheelchair a year ago!
Email dated 06.02.2010
Hello Bernard,
I went for a check-up mammogram yesterday. I went in a very, very calm manner since your pendulum had not detected anything. (mine didn't either, by the way).
Result: RAS !!!!!
Have a nice weekend both of you.
1 comment
Je vous remercie enormement pour votre travail en 2020 et resultat obtenu suite a la disparition du cancer d un membre de ma famille.
Les soins qu il avait debuté ont cessé: injections contre le cancer qui l epuisait totalement.
A la fin du premier protocole le groupe medical a voulu poursuivre les injections sans attendre de verifier la presence du cancer. Il n y est pas alle. Ensuite a la vue du resultat qui etait bon, sans cancer, ils sont revenus a la charge pour inciter aux injections disant que c etait preferable. Evidement il s y est opposé. Aujourd hui de ce point de vue la il se porte tres bien et cela fait au moins 6mois que tout va bien voire 1 an. Le temps passe…
Bien se mefier de ces blouses blanches a la seringue facile… Gardez sa raison et sa faculté de decider de ce qui est le meilleur pour son corps.
Gratitude M. Tenand.