Bernard TENAND

Coronavirus as of May 22, 2020

Le coronavirus au 22 mai 2020
Following the surge in the deadly consequences of the coronavirus in South America, I resumed my research on this virus. In France, and in particular in the department where I live, more than 60 people have been diagnosed as positive for coronavirus in a large slaughterhouse. We are seeing others here and there in France. I have inquired about the status of these new contaminations. Good thing: none of them resulted in admission to intensive care. These cases have been decreasing every day since April 8, the one-day date that I announced in early April, following the care I provided for this virus. So I said to myself, knowing that the bases evolve by changing hemispheres, why wouldn't this virus do the same? So I took the same picture of the virus I wrote for one northern hemisphere and on another picture southern hemisphere . Then I resumed my research on the states of this virus in each hemisphere.

Virus in the northern hemisphere on 05/22/20

Results for the northern hemisphere virus it is negative again so active certainly much less than on April 1, 2020 See the dial regarding care has changed. So I put it back in care now for the northern hemisphere. Let's wait a few days 12 to 14 for a new extinction of this virus around June 5 or 6, 2020

Virus in the southern hemisphere on 05/22/20

Regarding the virus in the southern hemisphere, I find it in the same position as the one in the north on April 1, 2020, the treatment is also different. Let's wait 12 to 14 days to, I think, reach the extinction of this virus as for the northern hemisphere on April 8. (date when admissions to intensive care fell) Let's say 3 days for it to be made inactive and 12 to 14 days after to obtain the extinction of its negativity, i.e. around June 9 and 10.

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