Bernard TENAND

Coronavirus, according to dowsing

Le coronavirus, selon la radiesthésie

This disease is caused by a virus, more precisely a coronavirus called COVID-19 . It is highly contagious and spreads through droplets of saliva, or sneezing within 1.5 meters.

Coronavirus Overview

COVID-19 carries the vibration of the lethal wave, that is to say -107,616,802,500 Hertz. Which clearly shows the opposite of spiritual elevation. Could this be a first sanction of the Law of Reciprocity? It seems that it does not resist heat between 22 and 27° Celsius.

How to protect yourself from this coronavirus

According to Radiesthésie, we must first respect all people, animals, plants and minerals (the Earth).

Then rigorous hygiene: have short nails, wash your hands effectively several times a day with nail brushing. You must wear gloves to go shopping and stay more than a meter away from other people. It is important to blow your nose in a disposable tissue, to sneeze by lowering your head or into your elbow. When returning home, disinfect your clothes that have been in contact with other people. It is also advisable to diffuse essential oils in your home (Green Oregano from Greece). Be careful not to rub your eyes because it is very powerful! You can also use Mugwort which is more difficult to find.

Treating coronavirus with dowsing

It appears to correspond to a lack of spirituality.

Has a lack of respect for Creation (see my pentacle of respect for the earth ) This is why the effective care against it is the yellow color. It is the color of the Sun which is hot.

With Hertzian waves it is 0.1 Hz

With the elements, it is zinc.

It is also with the BT 81°-91° scanner

With the Hebrew letters it is reish = red = mars

With the effect of temperature, the coronavirus dies out beyond 23° on objects only. (clothes, handles, fabrics ...). Unfortunately, it is not the same on people.

Since only medicine (Doctors, Hospitals) is authorized to deal with this health crisis, in case of doubt, you must follow government instructions.


merci de continuer a aider les gens ,et pour toutes vos recherches précieuses !


Ok a votre message precedent M. Tenand.
Et comme je l ai lu ailleurs…
Je l evoque. ici.
Pour l es sensations de peur ou ce qui est lie panique angoisse…
Ayons des pensees ressentis d amour.
Visualisons l Amour dans toute la creation divine.
La peur n intervient que par l absence d Amour.
Vibrons l Amour.


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