Bernard TENAND

Covid-19, an end foretold

Le Covid-19, une fin annoncée
Covid-19, an extra-natural coronavirus that appeared in Wuhan, China during the year 2019. Some assume that it was already present as early as August. This virus is, as we all see, terribly active and harmful.

The effects of Covid-19

This virus destroys the pulmonary alveoli very quickly in weak people. As we all know, weak people are those who suffer from serious illnesses. In particular, we can mention attacks on the cardiovascular, respiratory, immune, endocrine, neurovegetative or bone systems. For experienced dowsers, vulnerable people are also very negative people, carriers of disembodied souls. Indeed, the negative frequency of the coronavirus is close to the frequency of the lethal wave or black magic (for those who call it that).

My actions against Covid-19

Without really knowing where I was going, I intervened on this virus for the first time on April 1, 2020. On the evening of April 3, it no longer had any harmful activities. I wrongly moved away from it. It went back to being harmful. Despite this, on April 8, there was the beginning of the decline in the intensive care units. I had announced it for April 7 in an article posted on Facebook . I intervened again on this virus on April 11 with another treatment and to last until the end of this pandemic.
Since April 12, he has been inactive and, above all, he no longer has the ability to contaminate.
Starting from this date, if we add the incubation period, we arrive at April 26, 2020. On this date, the pandemic must stop because the last infected will no longer be contagious. This does not exclude, for a few more weeks, for some of those already infected, complications due to their state of health. All this under the cover of God


Superbe! Merci! Des professeurs de médecine en poste dans les hôpitaux ou dans les instances scientifiques ont-ils été informés de vos recherches et les ont-ils partagées?
Il me vient également l’envie d’une précision: Vos travaux vous permettent ils de penser que ce virus est définitivement éradiqué (renvoyé au néant, mort) ou peut-on craindre qu’il ne réapparaisse plus tard (automne ou hiver) de nouveau sous la même forme ou bien après avoir muté avec d’autres caractéristiques?
Pourrez-vous ultérieurement nous éclairer sur les maladies neurologiques conséquences d’une contamination asymptomatique évoquées à la fin d’un article précédent?
Dans l’attente du plaisir de vous lire sur tous ces sujets ou d’autres, je vous souhaite la plus belle des journées.


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