This non-exhaustive list was analyzed with a 1 ml long tuner.
This list of carcinogenic products can be subject to objective criticism, that is to say that I am ready to put into practice what I say: a smoker not in contact with radioactivity at any time of the day will not be cancerous.
Since tobacco is a harmful product, from a certain dose, he will contract pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases.
Cancer from radioactivity will develop more when the person is weak and this is valid for all diseases or pathologies.
I am not a doctor, but I have observed what I have been writing for the past 12 years.
error: Beryllium is not carcinogenicI took this list to modify it these are the colors
Bonjour, oui absolument, C’est de genre de terrain qui provoque les maladies les plus graves.
un terrain pollué peut-il provoquer des maladies et des décès inexpliqués ainsi que des cancers chez des animaux domestiques tels que chats et chiens ?